♦ In the jam of quince and pear well add a little citric acid (1 kg of sugar 1 / 4 teaspoon), previously dissolved it in water.
♦ Juice should be expanded in the hot, dry banks, while ensuring that the berries and syrup evenly distributed.
♦ Jam, which began to ferment or sour, you must immediately digested by adding 1 kg of jam 200 g of sugar. Jam with much foam - the foam must be immediately removed and the brew stop. When the jam stops foaming, his hot form is poured into jars, allow to cool and carefully sealed.
♦ Jam, odvergnutoe secondary cooking, it is better to use for Kiselev, toppings, sweet sauces.
♦ Boiling jam starts with cooking syrup. Poured sugar into the bowl, add pody (the proportion of berries, fruit, sugar and water for each class a special jam) and boil until the sugar has completely the solution. Then remove the syrup from the heat and carefully put it in fruits and berries, once again put on the fire and continue cooking (for most classes - within 30-40 minutes). In the first 5-10 minutes the fire should be low so as not formed a lot of foam, then the fire is gradually added.
♦ Willingness jam determined by the following features: fruits and berries do not rise to the surface, and uniformly distributed in a syrup, a drop of hot syrup, sandwiched between the fingers, with the rapid disengagement of the thread forms a viscous, a drop of syrup poured on the saucer, not spread, but remains form, and many fruits and berries (apples, quinces, apricots, plums) are transparent.
♦ If the jam Sugar, it spread from the jar in a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of water per 1 kg of jam over low heat bring to a boil and cook for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Hot jam laid out in banks, allowed to cool down and sealed. However, the jam can be digested and re sugared. Therefore, use it in the first place.
♦ If the moldy jam - means, or it is poorly packaged, or stored in a very damp room. Remove the mold, jam boil, and put in another, more dry place.
♦ If you like to experiment, make a jam made from various fruits and berries. For example, cherries, strawberries, red currants and raspberries. Or apples with red and black currants, gooseberries with orange peel, apples and blackberries.
♦ If you do pick berries for jam, wash them before cooking as possible. Purchased at the market or in a store fruits should be washed thoroughly, several times changing the water. Strawberries and raspberries are cleaned without removing peduncles, in a colander with large holes, then spread on a dry cloth or paper, dried and sorted out.
♦ If you make jams add some citric acid, it will not crystallize.
♦ strawberry, cherry, sweet cherry and plum can be cooked in one step - first in the weak, then at high heat.
♦ From the small apple jam can be cooked in one step. Of the other varieties of apples - with interruptions. To apples are not darkened, slices dipped in a solution of salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), then blanch them for 3-5 min and cooled.
♦ From chokeberry jam obtain fresh water. But if you add apples (one-fifth of body weight) or citric acid (2 g per 1 kg of berries), or instead of water use red currant juice (2.5 cups per 1 kg), preserves the taste will improve. Pre rowan blanch 3-5 min.
♦ Sometimes the cooking is prolonged, long jam remains liquid. This happens, for example, with cherry jam. Add to it a little lemon juice or a little apple jelly, it quickly thickens.
♦ What about people who for health reasons can not eat sugar? Do not give up jam. It is possible to sweetener - saccharine to cook a delicious jam or marmalade, compotes procure. But remember that saccharin is 500 times sweeter than sugar, and put it in a pro rata basis. For apple jam, for example, needs just 1 gram of saccharin to 2 liters of worn-malic mass. Saccharin is added before the end of cooking. Hot jam hermetically closed and stored in a cool place. You can cook jam of black currants, gooseberries, plums, with the addition of apples. Instead, xylitol, saccharin can be put: for the jam - 325 g per 1 kg of berries for jam - 650 g, a compote - 200 - 300 g per 1 liter of water. However, remember that the consumption of xylitol, unlike saccharin, which is easily derived from the body is limited and must not exceed the standards recommended by your doctor.
♦ When the jam is ready, it cooled. Lay the cooling jam cover by no means impossible. Enough to cover it with gauze or a clean (not newsprint) paper.
♦ It is best to store the jam in hermetically sealed glass jars. But you can close the banks and ordinary plastic lids, foil or parchment. Store at 10-15 ° C.
♦ Foam generated during cooking, must periodically take a spoon or skimmer and collect in a deep plate. This makes it easy to merge back into the pelvis syrup, remaining under the foam. Penka must definitely be removed, or else the jam may subsequently sour.
♦ Utensils for cooking jam should be broad. Cook for no more than 2 kg of berries at a time. Banks have well-jam wash, scald with boiling water and dried to a jam is not exposed to water.
♦ In all ways logging of mountain ash (and the forest and garden) should try to retain maximum it contained vitamins. Of great importance is the time of collection. During maturation of water and tannins in the fruits of mountain ash is reduced, it becomes less astringent. At the same time the number of Sugar, acid and vitamin C increases. Therefore, harvest should be as late as possible after the frosts. Photographing fruit must be together with tassels careful not to damage them. If rowan collected a lot of it can be immediately put in storage. The best storage temperature 0 ... + 1 ° C. You can store the rowan and the attic, spreading a layer of no more than 10 cm If not, rewrite to jam, jam, jam, Sugar, etc.
♦ How to start cooking jam? First of all, berries and fruits pour hot syrup and leave for 3-4 h. When cooking fruits at once, besides over high heat, syrup will not have time to absorb. Smorschatsya berries, fruits seethe. However, one preliminary pouring syrup is not enough to get a good jam. Especially sweet berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, small plums, cherries with a bone, currants - are boiled in several stages, with intervals of 8-10 hours the first time, with fruit syrup, only to bring to a boil and stand for a while . Second time the jam boil for 10-15 minutes and then stand up. And only the third time it is brought up to readiness. To easily boiled soft berries and sometimes use this trick: lightly cook in syrup, berries gently removed skimmer, and syrup continue to boil. Shortly before the end of cooking berries again immersed in the syrup, bring to a boil again and laid out in the banks.
♦ How to put sugar in the jam? It depends on the acid berries Fire fruits. But the minimum of 1 kg of fruit to 1,2-1,5 kg of sugar, in some cases up to 2. Amount of water also varies from 2 to 2.5 cups.
♦ Dry jam (also known as "Kievan dry jam") - these are the same cooked in syrup and dried fruit, interspersed with sugar.
♦ Fruit is always necessary to begin to soar in boiling, lightly sweetened water. The high temperature destroys enzymes, rapidly oxidizing vitamins. In cold water (30-40 ° C) enzyme activity and with it the loss of vitamins significantly increased.
♦ Fruit and berries stained and slightly crumpled suit only for compotes. In the jam select whole, intact. Plums and cherries should be perfectly ripe, but pears, peaches, apricots, strawberries and raspberries - best immature to less boiled soft.
♦ A good, properly cooked is the jam, if the form of berries has not changed, only become darker color and flavor of fresh preserved fruits, and syrup turned out beautiful and clear.
♦ Black currant pre blanch: 2 - 3 minutes immersed in boiling water, then cooled. If etogo not make the berries in the finished jam obtained too dry.
♦ To berries in the process of cooking preserves not shrink, it is necessary every 5-7 minutes to remove the pelvis for a few minutes from the heat - boiling will decrease and berries imbibe syrup.
♦ Berries and fruits destined for jam, it is better to gather in sunny and dry weather, the actual day of cooking. Berries, taken in the rain, contain too much moisture, the jam will turn watery, berries seethe. Strawberries, torn from the beds in the morning, is juicy and longer retained. Berries should be equally ripe - then the jam will be cooked evenly. Nectar of strawberries or strawberries will taste better if, after practicing berries, intersperse them with sugar and let them stand for 2-3 hours, and then boiled.
♦ berries, fruits with hard skin (gooseberries, pears, plums), to better absorb syrup, prick sharp wood (hardwood) stick