Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Roll fish baked

Fish - 800g 
white bread - 50g 
milk - 1 cup 
onions - 1-2 pc. 
fat - 20g 
Semolina - 20g 
egg - 1 pc. 
breadcrumbs - 30-40g 
sour cream - 0.75 cups 
fats (for baking) - 60g 
salt, pepper - to taste. 

The fish are cleaned, remove the spine and bones. Baton soak in milk, squeeze. Onions finely cut, passerovat in fat. Fish fillets, depressed loaf and passerovanny onions pass through a meat grinder 2 times. Add egg, semolina, 3-4 tablespoons milk, salt, pepper. Stir well. They must be air. Lodging roll, roll it in bread crumbs, place on greased baking tray. Pour fat from the top. Bake in a hot, moderately hot oven for 40 minutes, periodically pouring formed sauce. By the end of baking pour lightly salted sour cream. 

Transfer to an oval dish, cut into portions (1 cm thick), add sauce, garnish with green salad, parsley, boiled eggs circles. Meat loaf can be baked, wrapped in greased parchment or foil. Serve and cooled.

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