Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Milk - one of the most important human food.


Milk - one of the most important human food. This is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating women and elderly people. Milk and a great variety of dairy products made in a variety of nutrition, improve taste, increase the nutritional value of our food and have a great dietary and medicinal value. Academician Pavlov said: "... Between the varieties of human food in an exceptional situation is milk ... food made by nature itself, which differs easy digestibility and nutritional content, compared with other types of food ... "If divided into three groups are located in food substances necessary to human body: the energy (of meeting human needs for energy), plastic (from that build cells and tissues), regulatory (involved in metabolic processes), it is easy to verify that the milk contains as the first - carbohydrates, fat, and partly - and second - the protein and minerals - and others - trace minerals, vitamins, enzymes. According to nutritionists, physiologists, pediatricians, milk and dairy products are essential for mental and physical development of children. "If during the months of 1200 you will one day drink a liter of milk, you provide a hundred years of life!" - The so-jokingly told a Swedish scientist Nile Gustavson. 

When Azerbaijani longevity Majid Agayev stepped over stosorokaletny abroad, was asked what he eats, he called the milk, cheese, yogurt and vegetables. In the village of Dugo Polje Yugoslavia stodesyatiletnyuyu peasant Irbishu Hrvachich asked what she prefers to eat. Throughout her life she never hurt and it does not go to the doctors. "I always preferred to milk products" - said long-lived. From ancient times the milk of different animals used for food both healthy and sick people. The ancient Egyptians used for medicinal purposes asses milk. Scientists of Ancient Rome and Greece - Herodotus, Aristotle, Pliny - milk is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis. Hippocrates different types of milk attributed to the different healing properties, so for example, goat and mare - property to cure tuberculosis, a cow - to cure gout and anemia, donkey - many diseases. 

On the healing properties of milk mentioned the great Tajik scholar Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna). He wrote that milk and dairy products are the best food for children and elderly people. Especially useful it is believed goats and a donkey's milk, and recommended to drink it with salt and honey. In the Middle Ages treated milk has been forgotten and only at the end of XVI century doctors began to re-apply milk in therapy. Important role in this propaganda has played a French doctor, Raymond Restore to develop, based on the teachings of Hippocrates, indications and contraindications for the treatment of milk. In the XVIII century, Goffman first drew attention to the use of milk as an antidote, and offered his divorce mineral water. He considered milk anticonvulsants, slowing down and calming movement, believed that it improves the blood and displays the harmful substances from the body. 

In the "general and complete home lechebnik" G. Buchan, translated and published in Moscow in 1780, said the milk as the best means, along with vegetables, for the treatment of scurvy. The most common treatment of milk in Russia contributed F. Inozemtsev (1802-1869). He suggested that their treatments milk of pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, gastro-intestinal diseases, scurvy, cholera, nervous diseases. In 1865 Petersburg physician F. Carrel described more than 200 cases of successful application of skimmed milk with cardiac decompensation, liver cirrhosis, lung disease, obesity, gout. SP Botkin evaluated milk as "... a precious tool in the treatment of heart disease and kidney disease. He also originated the idea of introducing into the milk for the best of his assimilation of carbon dioxide. At the end of XIX century thanks to the classic studies of Pavlov and his students was given a firm scientific base for studying the processes of digestion and confirmed by the special value of milk and dairy products in the diet of humans and animals. Milk is indispensable to supply depleted, exhausted and weakened people. It increases body resistance and normalizes metabolism.

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