Sunday, May 31, 2009

Flakes cereal - it is healthy and nutritious food recipe

The company sells 18 kinds of cereal grains, which are developed for high-efficiency equipment company «Buhler», ensuring the safety of all the useful properties of grain and biologically active substances.

Oat flakes of high, easily assimilated, contain starch, vitamins (A, Bl, and B2, E), amino acids, minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, and cobalt, iron), and organic acids and are widely used in diet. Rye and barley flakes contain fiber, vitamins (Bl, B2, and E), minerals, rich in dietary fibers, pectin substances.

In wheat flakes high content of essential polyunsaturated acids. Wheat flakes are rich in starch, vitamin B1, minerals, micro-and microelements (iron, potassium, phosphorus). Flakes Buckwheat-the source of minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, boron, iodine, nickel, magnesium, copper, zinc, etc.), vitamins (Bl, B2, PP), organic acids (malice, citric).

Salad of currant jelly in recipe

Berries black or red currants washed, allow water to flow down and put in satanic. Gelatin dunk in cold water for 20-30 minutes, heat to dissolve, add lemon juice, rub a little lemon peel and sugar, cool and filled with berries. Satanic put in the refrigerator for 1, 5-2 hours.

400 g of black berries and red currants, 1 tablespoon. Spoon gelatin, 0.75 cup of hot water, juice of 1 lemon, lemon peel, sugar to taste.

Salad blackberry recipe

Classified blackberries strawberries, rinsed, put in satanic and sprinkle with crushed walnut kernels, whip egg yolks with sugar, add a little rub lemon peel. The resulting sauce blackberry fruit drink.

400 g of berries blackberry, 100 g of walnut kernels. For the sauce: 2 egg yolk, 100-150 g of sugar, a little lemon peel.

Puree of fresh berries recipe

Berries, Classified, rinse, recline on the screen and wipe. In boiling water to dissolve sugar, cool and mix with berry puree. To submit a finished soup sour cream and vanilla crackers.

500 g of strawberries or raspberries, 2 cups of water, 0.5 cups of sugar, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 150 g of vanilla crackers.

Puree of fresh apples recipe

Apples cleaned, cut into slices, put in a saucepan and fill with cold water. In the same pot to put the pieces of white bread (no crusts), a little cinnamon, put on a low flame and cook until cooked apples. The resulting mass wipe the bolt, spat sugar, pour the lemon juice or a bit of citric acid, stir and cool. By the soup, you can file boiled rice.

400 g apples, 150 g of white bread, 1.5 liters of water, 0.5 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, cinnamon.

The soup broth to apple dog rose recipe

Briar filled with boiling water, under the lid for 5 minutes, these 3-5 hours. Strain, add sugar, cinnamon and boil again. Attach a small or rub apples and cool. To file soup bread, sliced in small cubes and in the oven.

150 g apples, 20 g of dried hips, 0.5 liters of water, 25 g sugar, 0.1 g of cinnamon, 50 g of white bread.

Soup of the apple recipe

Apples washed, cut into 4 pieces, pour hot water and provirus. To reject colander, wipe, combine with broth, add the cinnamon, lemon peel, spat move and washed raisins, dolt until the desired density of water and. Soup to fill egg yolks, rastertymi with sugar and sour cream (do not boil). Place dish in hot or cold with croutons.

500 g apples, 1 liter of water, 50 g of raisins, 4 egg yolks, 100 g sugar, 100 g sour cream, dried peel of 0.5 lemon, cinnamon.

Soup of the berries with cottage cheese recipe

A glass of water bring to a boil, put cloves, tightly close the lid and let the dishes stand 10-15 minutes. Infusion to cool, procedures prevail, combine with cheese, shabby through a sieve. Sweet berries filled with a mixture of kefir and cold boiled water, add honey and cottage cheese with varom of carnations.

400 g strawberries or raspberries, 3 pc. cloves, 100 g cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons. spoon of honey, and 1 liter of kefir and water.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Soup of the blueberries on conjee recipe

Blueberry Rinse, pour 0, 35 l of water, 10-15 minutes, to insist 30 minutes, then strain, add sugar, lemon juice and cool. Fig Havarti in the remaining water, along with the liquid twice through a sieve and wipe connect with this blueberry. Served with croutons of white bread. The soup should be at room temperature.

40 g dried blueberries, 0.75 liters of water, 30 g of rice, 15 g sugar, 1 / 10 of a lemon, 50 g of white bread.

Blueberry soup with dumplings recipe

Blue berry to omit the sugar in boiling water and cook until partially berries. Pour the starch; dilute a small amount of cold water, boil and cool.
Flour mix with milk or cream, whipped egg, salt, sugar. Tsp separated from the dough dumpling, and delete in boiling salted water. Ready bilberry dumplings filled with broth.

400 g fresh blueberries, 6 cups water, 3 tablespoons. Spoons of sugar, 0.5 st. spoons starch. For klutzes: 0.75 cups of milk or fluid cream, 1 egg, 1.5 cups flour, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt.

Soup bread with dried fruit recipe

Black bread and horseshit in the oven pour boiling water and close the lid, leave for 30 minutes for the swelling. Then they, along with a liquid recline on the screen, wipe, add sugar, washed dried fruit, cinnamon and cook until done. Pour the fruit juice and cool. Served with cream.

600 g black bread, 2 liters of water, 0.75-cup sugar, cinnamon, 100 g of dried fruit, 1 cup of fruit juice, 0.5 cups of cream.

Soup with dried macaroni recipe

Dried fruits washed, for 2-3 hours to fill with cold water. Add sugar, cinnamon, cloves, cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes, first at high heat, then at low. When the fruits are soft, remove from fire and cool. At the same time in salted water, cook noodles, rinse them boiled water, put in the tureen, add the sour cream and pour fruity broth. 

200 g of dried fruit, 3 l of water, 0.5 cup sugar, cinnamon, cloves, 100 g pasta, 0.5 cups of sour cream.

The soup of black currant with cheese dumplings recipe

Rinse strawberries, flex the wooden spoon, and lightly overcome juice. Mega put into the pot, pour hot water, bring to a boil, 3-4 minutes and strain through gauze. Again, bring the broth to a boil, add sugar, dilute with water and starch, 2-3 minutes, and then pour the juice pulled. 
Flex the Cottage cheese; add eggs, sugar, flour, a little starch, mix, dumplings. Cook them in salted water until to the surface. Put dumplings in the dish to cool. Before submitting decomposed into dish and pour soup. 

350 g of black currant, $ 1 l of water, 150 g sugar, 15 g starch. For klutzes: 300 g cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 20 g sugar, 30 g of flour, a little starch.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Soup of dried fruit recipe

Dried Fruit Classified, rinse, pick apples and pears, pour cold water and boil until cooked. Add the sugar, the remaining fruit, cinnamon and cook on low heat 10-15 minutes. Pour, dilute with water and starch again bring to a boil. In the finished soup can be boiled rice or pasta.

200 g of dried fruit, 4-5 cups of water, 0.5-cup sugar, cinnamon, 50 g starch, 100 g of rice or pasta.

The soup of black currant with Salma recipe

Washed and moved blackberry crush, overcome the juice. Mega filled with water and cook for 12-15 minutes. Strain broth, add the sugar and water to dilute starch boil thoroughly, and then pour the juice pulled.

Prepare Selma: cool kneaded dough of flour, eggs, water and salt, roll it in the seam thickness 2 mm, cut and boil in lightly salted water.

Submit a chilled soup with sour cream and Selma.

3 cups of black currants, 3 L of water, 2 tablespoons. Spoons starch, 1.5 cups of sugar, 0.5 cups of sour cream. To Selma: 1-cup flour, one egg, 2 tablespoons. Tablespoons water, salt.

Raspberry soup recipe

Move to shade grapes picked 1-cup raspberries, and pour the remaining boiling water, boil thoroughly a few minutes and strain. In broth spat sugar, pour the flour with sour cream, and cool. To drink from the cups, put into each a few fresh berries. Served with toast.

800 g raspberries, 2 liters of water, 200 g of sugar, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 1 teaspoon flour.

Nutration Lemon Soup recipe

Egg, sugar and lemon juice beat up in the foam. Mandy large spat in boiling water, slightly pods lit, boil, remove from fire. Gradually enter the egg mass. Cool and add the cooked vegetables.

Seven eggs, 2 tablespoons. Tablespoons sugar, one lemon, 3-4 senior. Spoon semolina, 1 liter of water, salt, dried or fresh fruit.

Soup with rice, dried apricots recipe

Classified dried apricots, washed, spat sugar, pour boiling water, cover with lid and insist 2-3 hours. Add cooked rice and cream. Submit a cold.

80 g dried apricots, 20 g of rice, 15 g sugar, and 50 ml of cream, 0.5 liters of water.

Soup of the gooseberry recipe

Washed and peeled gooseberry pouring boiling water on the fire and keep until. To reject colander, berry wipe. In the broth with the shabby spat fruit sugar, pour with flour and sour cream boil. Grind egg yolks and butter, add vanilla, combine with soup and remove from fire, do not bring to a boil.

500 g under ripe gooseberry, 2 liters of water, 100 g sour cream, 1 teaspoon of flour, 200 g sugar, two raw egg yolks, 1 tablespoon. Spoon butter, vanillin.

Soup of the cranberries and apples recipe

Classified cranberries, rinsed, flex the pan, pour boiling water, mix and cover with lid. After 10-15 minutes, strain through gauze. Saucepan with juice put on the fire; add sugar, peeled and sliced or diced apples straws. When the soup galipot, pours dilute starch, once again boil and cool. Served with sour cream. 

300 g of cranberries, 500 g apples 5 cups water 1-cup sugar, 1 tablespoon. Spoon starch.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The soup of strawberries and cherries recipe

Strawberries and cherries havarti, recline in the colander, wipe the bolt, and mix with the broth. Salt, add sugar, and mix well with sour cream and flour to give a little pokiest. Hot or cold with noodles or rice, boiled separately. 

250 g of garden strawberries, 300 g of cherries, 1.5 liters of water, sugar to taste, 1 tablespoon. Spoonful of flour, a pinch of salt, 1 cup sour cream, noodles or rice.

The soup of strawberries recipe

Strawberries cleaned, rinsed (immerse in water in the sieve and allow it to flow down), put in the dishes, empty of sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. The remaining sugar to dissolve in water, boil, pour dilute starch, once again give zaniest, add strawberries formed with juice, stir and cool. Served with whipped cream. 
You can also make soup from raspberries and cherries. 

400 g of garden or forest strawberries, 6 cups of water, 0.75 cup sugar, 0.5 st. spoons starch 0, 5a-0, 75 cup cream.

Cherry soup with rice recipe

Cherry pits filled with water, add sugar, bring to a boil, and cook 2-3 minutes, strain. In broth boil washed rice, combine with the cherries and cook until they are tender. Hot soup, adding the sour cream. 

2 cups cherries, 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon. Spoonful of sugar, 3 tablespoons. Spoons of rice, sour cream.

Cherry soup with dumplings recipe

Cherry split in halves. One half of the clean bones, the second - flex the add stones, sugar, pour hot water; bring to a boil and strain. 
Prepare as for the dumplings, the dough, roll thin, cut circles on an every 1-2 berries and province. Varnish deleted in cherry hot broth and cook for 5-10 minutes. 

600 g cherries, 4-5 cups of hot water, 1 cup of wheat flour, 0.5 cups sugar, 2 eggs.

The soup of black currant recipe

Classified strawberries, rinsed, flex the wooden spoon, to make into Doe, boil, strain through a sieve and cool. Separately prepare manly-porridge in milk. Place it on the plate, soaked with water and let congeal. Porridge cut into cubes or, sort of prepared dish and pour broth. Submit a chilled soup. 

250-300 g of black currant, 4-5 cups of water, 1, 5-2 art. Spoon semolina, 1 cup milk.

Belarusian borsch with beans and apples recipe

The beef and bones of boiled ham broth separately - the beans. Straws cut carrots, parsley and onion, add the tomato puree and stand on low heat for another 10 minutes. In stock put sliced potatoes into cubes when galipot - straws boiled beets, potherb divorced broth and flour. 5 minutes before ready to put slices peeled and diced apples, boiled beans, salt, sugar and vinegar. Served with meat, sausages and sour cream. 

2.5 liters of water, 300 g of bone from the ham, 200 grams of beef, 60 g of sausages, 1 beet, 4 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons. Spoons of beans, 1 tablespoon. Spoon pork fat, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 1 apple, 2 tablespoons. Tablespoons tomato puree, 1 parsley root, 1 st. spoon 3% case vinegar and flour, sugar, salt.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Okroshka for fruit tea recipe

Boil potatoes in the skin, cool, peel, cut into cubes, and fresh cucumbers. Salad, parsley, dill finely. Protein cooked eggs orbit, and wipe the egg yolk through a sieve and combine with sour cream. All filled with fruit of this, add the vegetables, herbs, sugar and citric acid. To prepare the fruit of this 100 grams of apples or 25 g of dried fruit to fill the two glasses of boiling water, boil, and to insist, under the lid, 3-4 hours. Instead of fruit, you can take 100 g of rhubarb, or 20 g hips.

100 g of fresh cucumbers, leaf lettuce, 10 g, 5 g greens of parsley, 60 g potato, 5 g of dill, 1 egg, 50 g sour cream, 5 g sugar, 5 g lemon juice, 0,4 l of this fruit.

Borshch cold apple recipe

Beetroot boil, peel, grated nattered on shallow, filled with boiling water, add the black bread and put on a night in a cold place, then strain tea, add sugar, salt and vinegar to taste, peeled and finely chopped apples, fresh cucumbers, green onions and minced boiled eggs. Before serving, add sour cream and finely chopped green dill.

500 g of beet, 100 g of black bread, 2 apples, 2 eggs, fresh cucumbers, sugar, salt, vinegar, green onions, 4 st. spoon sour cream, dill.

Mushrooms cook, finely chop recipe

Washed mushrooms cook, finely chop. In straw cup beets, add mushroom broth, tomato puree and braise until soft. Diced onion straws, carrot, parsley fry in butter and combine with flour, the boiling mushroom soup to cut cabbage, potatoes and bring to a boil. Add prunes, mushrooms, beets, roots, onion, flour, pepper, bay leaf, and salt and cook until done. Before serving sprinkle with finely chopped greens borsch parsley.

100 grams of dried mushrooms, 400 g of beet, 400 g cabbage, 400 g potato, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 0.5 cup tomato puree, 100 g butter, 1 teaspoon of flour, 100 g of plum, pepper, bay leaf, salt.

Belarusian borsch with beans and apples recipe

Of the beef and bones of boiled ham broth separately - the beans. Straws cut carrots, parsley and onion, add the tomato puree and stand on low heat for another 10 minutes. In stock put sliced potatoes into cubes when galipot - straws boiled beets, potherb divorced broth and flour. 5 minutes before ready to put slices peeled and diced apples, boiled beans, salt, sugar and vinegar. Served with meat, sausages and sour cream.

2.5 liters of water, 300 g of bone from the ham, 200 grams of beef, 60 g of sausages, 1 beet, 4 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons. Spoons of beans, 1 tablespoon. Spoon pork fat, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 1 apple, 2 tablespoons. Tablespoons tomato puree, 1 parsley root, 1 st. spoon 3% case vinegar and flour, sugar, salt.