Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The severity of food : Basil


Basil belongs to the mint family of herbs, is used as a seasoning for many dishes. Fresh basil has a bright flavor, which can be described as a cross between licorice and cloves. Most varieties of basil have green leaves, but there is an opal basil, which has beautiful purple color. Other types of basil, such as lemon basil and cinnamon basil, so named because of the flavor. 
Basil - aromatic plant, native to see South Asia. In the herbarium book notes that. Europe, it came only in the XVI century. Quickly gained the sympathy of Europeans, their fragrant smell. It was considered a spice worthy of kings. Spread rapidly as in Africa, the Pacific Islands. 
It perfectly complements the second vegetable dishes of beans, peas, beans, tomatoes, spinach and sauerkraut. A few fresh basil leaves placed in a bottle of vinegar significantly improve its flavor. This vinegar gives a piquant flavor salads and white sauces. The crushed leaves are also added to the cheese, butter, omelettes and salad of crab. Dried leaves with rosemary is sometimes used instead of pepper. 
Basil combines well with herbs, from which there is a unique bouquet. In the mixture with rosemary gets pepper smell with Chabrov - enhances the severity of food.

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