Tuesday, December 8, 2009



Rhubarb - a perennial herbaceous plant with very large leaves. 
Homeland vegetable rhubarb - Siberia, Northern Mongolia. As wild as it occurs in the Far East, Siberia and Central Asia. In Russia, it began to grow in the late XIX century. At the present time, the culture of rhubarb is widespread in Latvia and Leningrad region. Petioles rhubarb rich in organic acids - malic (1,58-2,6%), citric, succinic, oxalic acid, mineral salts - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamins - C (14-20 mg%) and P (up to 80 mg%). In the fresh product contains: dry matter - 4,2-11,5%, protein - 0,74-1, soluble pectin - up to 3, ash -0.94%. 
Due to low sugar content and high content of acids (mainly malate) stalks of rhubarb are a distinctly sour taste with a characteristic flavor and aroma reminiscent of apples. 
From rhubarb can be cooked jam, marmalade, compote, jelly and sauce, salad, stuffing for sweet pies, soup, etc. 
Should be remembered that for cooking of rhubarb can not use brass or iron cookware since they are prone to oxidation. 
Petioles quickly wither, can be stored at normal temperature is not more than two days, and in a refrigerator at 0 ° C - up to 5-7 days.

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