We are, as you know, in the light of a lot - good and different, but they all have something in common: every now and then eat. Do you know which products are preferable to you and your loved ones?
It depends on the number of the essence of the consumer reviews. Consistent with it, we, in addition to gastronomic pleasures, we get much more - a good mood, health fair, and even be able to develop a nap talents. Not everyone will be able to adhere to that regime - then, from time to time have to sit on a diet is one of those products that match your numbers.
So, find out how many of our essence. To do this, put the number of the day, month and year of birth.
For example, you were born on Oct. 19, 1963: 1 +9 +1 +0 +1 +9 +6 +3 = 30 = 3 +0 = 3. In this case, the number of the essence - 3. It corresponds to the number of Mars.
For the above example, calculate the number of its essence and find out what planet your protector and that is:
"Solar products can help get rid of pride, vanity and self-absorption, as well as energy. The "solar" menu includes all vegetables and fruits yellow and orange colors: oranges, tangerines, lemons, carrots, apricots, peaches, yellow apples, pears varieties "Dishes" and "Barry", corn, yellow grapefruit and yellow varieties of mangoes, bananas , yellow plum, yellow cherry, pumpkin. This list is complementary to sunflower seeds and almonds. As well as melted butter, unrefined sunflower and corn, corn dealer. As a fine spice ginger, saffron, nutmeg, bay leaf, cloves: Keep on hand the grass, and chamomile flowers, hunters, root aria. In addition, do not forget that on your desk should always be honey.
All this can be used in raw form - so you charge the solar energy to complete the program. Because fruit and vegetable juices, you can do to prepare salads. The preferred salad of shredded carrots and pumpkin.
Corn and pumpkin can be boiled - it might be pumpkin and corn porridge, pumpkin baked with sour cream, pumpkin pie or casserole. Pumpkin for these foods cut thin plates or small cubes. Better to use corn in, popcorn will not match. Only in-kind, these products retain the life-giving properties. Seeds and nuts before eating should be slightly horseshit.
Prepare for stressful days, "solar" diet, which will include only the listed products. Each morning started with a juice and salad of your fruits and vegetables, and finished the day a spoon of honey.
Two Moon, and presented at your disposal a wide range of different products that are "working" and with the body, and soul. They are mostly fruits and vegetables in white and some color products. We offer a large selection of different varieties of cabbage that can be consumed raw, boiled, stewed, baked, sour and salted form.
Fresh white cabbage juice helps with diseases of stomach and digestive tract, which often suffer from "Lunar". Come and cucumber juice. For half a cup of morning stomach cabbage-cucumber juice - and you are not afraid of ulcers, stones, etc. duodenary
Cabbage Broccoli boiled in good form and is a powerful vitamin fueling. Other types of cabbage are better to use in salads, abundantly policy rapeseed oil, which is created just for you. Reputation can rub in the salad, along with cabbage, but you can put out in the milk. Do not forget the baked potatoes, raw radish and the radish, chicory and.
Because fruit is preferable to white plums, apples or early grade "white filling", coconuts, pineapples, white grapes. Slightly in a pan linseed use as seasoning for salads, spam, as well as panirovki. Best grass for you - plantain. Do not forget about rennet syrah, fool milk, serum and fresh cream.
Those who sponsor Mars and triple, fine fruits and vegetables red, burgundy and crimson flowers, as well as sharp spices.
Let us start with fruit and yago first the energy of Mars supported by pomegranates, red grapes, strawberries, strawberry, ciborium, mountain ash, figs, and red apples. Because vegetables are preferable beets, leeks, onions, garlic, peppers of all sorts, horseradish, and rhubarb.
Oil for the best seasonings to rapeseed or olive unrefined first extraction.
The Best and the main herb for "Martian" - nettle. She is good in any form. A newer washed with boiling water nettle necessarily put in the salad. Useful and its juice. Nettle can be one of the ingredients of the spring and summer soup. A winter rainy and sagebrush broth may replace the tea; it is indispensable now. When you feel a loss of energy. Then, during the activation of viral diseases, for "Marcia" will be indispensable pepper, Garlic, Kali nova and ginger tincture - not more than 25 grams a day. Otherwise, it could badly affect the cardiovascular system. As the energy charge can be used pomegranate, Kali nova or beet juice.
Do not forget about the garlic, onion, cress, and use as seasoning mustard, horseradish, ginger. Mustard seeds can be used and as a seasoning for soups, add to the dough.