Thursday, June 4, 2009

Periodic cleaning of organism

The term "Cleaning diet" is applicable to various systems of feeding and cleaning - from two days of unloading in the juices and vegetables, to radical measures, including washing enema and large intestine. Advocates for cleaning diets say that the periodic cleaning helps them to release the body of toxins and toxins (arising, as they think of unhealthy foods), which accumulate in body fat depots. It is believed that slag cause headaches, fatigue and increased risk of chronic diseases such as cancer. 

Post or restriction diet for about a week does not lead to any problems, "- said David Grotto, a physician-nutritionist, a representative of the American Dietetic Association - and many people say they feel better after that." However, Grotto said, there is no scientific evidence of positive effects attributed to treatment diets. 

Arguments in favor: "Many cleaning diets involve dominance in the diet of fruits and vegetables that contain large amounts of water and fiber, and contribute to the normalization of the bowel. This improves the well-being of the people" - says Grotto. At the time away from caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars (as prescribed diet), people can not only improve their health, but also understand how much food they consume harmful, says Dawn Jackson Blather, a physician-nutritionist Northwestern Memorial Hospital Wellness Institute in Chicago . Thus, dietary treatment can inspire, and long-term changes in lifestyle. 

Arguments against: Washing large intestine made improperly can seriously injure colon, so it's best to avoid them, says Grotto. Even "safe" diet designed to use only certain foods, can cause fatigue or dizziness, if they do not provide the desired calorie diet. If severe caloric restriction lasts longer than several days, the body can feel the threat of hunger and begin to produce stress hormones that cause fat depot quickly release energy. Ironically, this increases the amount of toxins circulating in the body. "When the fat is digested too quickly, the number of toxins may exceed the amount with which the organism is able to cope well," - says Peter Pressman, MD, a specialist in internal medicine from the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Finally, the sense of tidal energy, reported by people who have diet treatment can also be the result of the release of stress hormones. This is a consequence of evolution: the reaction of "Bay or flee", arising in response to stress, forcing the hungry animals to seek food more insistent. The resulting adrenaline recovery forces for a short while with long-term restriction of food the body starts to seriously slow down the metabolism to save energy. 

Summary: If you - a healthy person, a few days for handling vegetables, and water probably will not cause you harm, but would not be particularly useful. "People living on a" live from the heart today, and tomorrow to clean the body, diarchal itself, "- says Grotto. Natural cleansing your body's systems work best when you manage a healthy lifestyle: eat nutrient-rich foods, drink enough liquids and poured, and regularly give ourselves a physical load. 

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