Saturday, March 13, 2010

Some "Harmful" foods which may be useful

The unexpected truth about meat, kebab and ice cream: they're better than you think, says dietician. 

If every time I hear from a woman that she was on “red” meat to lose weight and become a “healthy”, I would have assumed a leg of lamb, I would be able to open a butcher shop. In fact, the lean “red” meat less fat than chicken, especially fed. Even the 100 grams of chicken fed with corn, contains 129 calories and 4.8 grams of fat, compared with 135 calories and 4.5 grams of total fat in a slice of lean meat of the same weight of sirloin beef carcasses. Moreover, sirloin beef contains three times uplifted tone of iron (which is not enough for many women in the UK) and almost four times more zinc, needed for immunity. But what about the saturated fat that clogs the arteries? – You ask. Chicken, fed with corn, not much better. Nobody calls you every day, cutting into the ham or bacon, but “red” lean meat, consumed several times a week can be a good addition to your diet. 

Of course, if you each evening watching television do away with the whole wash basin ice cream Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough, perhaps you will bring benefit to their health. But no need to completely rule out ice cream from your diet, trying to stay in shape. Creams slowly digested. In other words, it is processed in the stomach slowly and gradually saturates the blood sugar, but because, unlike other desserts such as sorbet or puddings and cakes with whipped cream, it is possible to eat a little more and you do not want. Regular ice cream ball weighing 75 grams contains only 114 calories and 6 grams of fat and is more successful completion of a dinner for those who follow the figure, than a piece of cheese cake contains 511 calories and 43 grams of fat scary. 

White bread: 
Trying to increase consumption of fiber, many of us move from white bread to whole meal bread, thinking that a better choice. Thus you actually increase your consumption of fiber. While the 50-gram piece of white bread contains 0.8 grams of fiber in the same quantity of grain with the bran contains 2.5 grams of fiber (daily rate is 18 grams), which is very helpful for your gut. But white bread is superior to other varieties on the content of minerals. This is because since the Second World War, the entire meal for the preparation of white bread in the UK is saturated with calcium and iron and B vitamins - B1 and nicotinic acid. Therefore, white bread contains no less useful for bone calcium than bread and bran. And here is an interesting nuance: as white bread contains less fat your body absorbs more calcium, as the fiber prevents the absorption of calcium. So, if your family strongly refuses of bread with, you can leave your feelings about healthy living, since this refusal will also have dietary value. 

I never could understand why everyone wants to replace an appetizing piece of butter, whipped from milk, a mixture of oils, industrial production, artificially burdened to the state of margarine. Well, if you have naturally high cholesterol, this makes sense. But on the other hand, the 10-gram piece of butter, which is quite enough to cover a thin layer of two pieces of bread, which contains 8 grams of fat, of which 5 grams are saturated fat. It's about a quarter of the daily value of fat for women and nearly a sixth of - for men. If you consider that the same amount of fat contained in a small portion of a latte from the coffee, go to a cappuccino without the foam, you can safely return to their toasts with butter for breakfast or sandwiches for lunch. More good news - oil is one of the few products that contain vitamin D (cod liver oil also contains it). The oil is dark yellow, which is prepared from cows eat grass, not hay, contains antioxidant beta-carotene, useful for lung and heart. 

Kebab, which is more commonly associated with undeveloped taste than with a healthy way of life, hardly worthy of positive feedback. But barbecue is one of the healthiest dishes in the menu of fast food restaurants. The standard portion of lamb shish kebab contains 232 calories and 6 grams of fat (even less than the same portion of chicken kebab) and a set of useful minerals, including iron. Order an extra helping of salad - and you can include it in its program of "five fruits or vegetables a day." However dollop of garlic sauce, served with BBQ, has tarnished rainbow diet now. This is just mayonnaise with garlic, tablespoon of which contains 207 calories and 22 grams of fat (compared with the standard hamburger from McDonald's contains 250 calories and 8 grams of fat, seems more reasonable alternative). Eat it with chicken barbecue, and you can not go wrong.

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