Monday, November 30, 2009

Liver pate Christmas


500 g liver, 100 grams of smoked bacon, 1 onions, 1 carrot, 100 g of butter, lemon juice, parsley, celery, salt, pepper, bay leaf.


Hepatic release of films, cut into pieces. Fat cut into slices, fry in a skillet, put the liver and continue to fry until golden brown, add a little broth or water, onions, carrots, celery, parsley, pepper, bay leaf, salt and simmer until the moment when the incision of the liver red color disappears. 

To get a delicious pie, you need to miss 2-3 liver with bacon through a meat grinder until smooth. Butter pound white-hot with lemon juice or grated nutmeg, to connect with crushed by the liver, add the juice, which tushilas liver, all thoroughly mixed, put on a dish, you arrange parsley leaves, a flower of the eggs, carrots. The surface of the paste can be decorated with whipped butter, otshpritsevav of cornet designs, inscriptions, congratulations and submit to the festive table.

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