Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Magic tree. In the tropical forests of Africa and South America is growing a beautiful small tree with shiny leaves. This tree is in bloom with yellow flowers and bears fruit all year round. It is noteworthy that the flowers grow directly on the bark of the trunk. With the trunk hanging well and the orange-yellow, oblong fruit, similar to the ribbed cucumbers. They reach 30 cm in length and 10-12 cm in diameter and weigh from 300 to 600 g. Under the woody shell of the fruit is from 25 to 50 seeds, incorrectly called cocoa beans. With a single tree removed from 50 to 120 fruits. 

The ancient Aztecs, the state which was in what is now Mexico, prepared from the fruit of the tree kind of spicy chocolate drink "chokoatl", which translated means "bitter water". 

Interesting Aztec legend of the cacao tree. There once lived in very ancient times, gardener Kvettsalkoatl-magician, who had a wonderful garden. Among the other trees grew in the garden and the "chocolate tree", from the fruits of which people make that drink. However Kvettsalkoatlya was overcome pride and he imagines himself to be immortal. For this he was punished by the gods - they stripped him of his mind. Mad Gardener destroyed your entire garden, survived only one tree. It was the cacao tree, which remained thus the only representative of a magic tree! 
Aztecs prepared chokoatl as follows: in the hot water was diluted pounded cocoa beans and add this liquid pepper and vanilla.

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