Sunday, January 31, 2010

10 dishes with peas

Pea comes from West Asia, where he was known around the VII century BC. Only after four centuries, he entered the territory. However, as field and vegetable crops is widespread only in the XVIII veke.V antiquity it was used in huge quantities, as a good and cheap source of protein. In ancient China, peas considered a symbol of fertility and wealth. And if in ancient Greece, Rome and peas was a staple food of ordinary people (it was dried for the winter and cooked soup and goulash), whereas in France the XVI century it was served to the table of the king. And Russia has fallen in love peas in the year one. Especially a lot of it grown in Yaroslavl province. 

Ogorodny peas divided into 3 groups: Polusakharnaya, Shelling and diabetes. Polusakharnaya most common - it is grown to produce green pods that are eaten or canned. Shelling sweet crude grades are characterized by large grains, which are eaten. Mature seeds of the same - yellow or green color, they can cook. In dry seeds retain a round shape ... A sugar snap peas are grown because of the delicate green peppers are consumed fresh and canned form. 

Among vegetable peas is the richest source of protein. His beans contain the technical maturity of up to 5 - 8 percent protein, have a number of vitally necessary for human amino acids (cystine, lysine, arginine, tryptophan, etc.) and vitamins (PP, B1, B2, C, provitamin A). In young peas more carbohydrates, but as maturation increases the number of protein and starch. A protein-rich peas all vegetables: dry pea protein as much as the average fatness in beef. Calories its 1,5 - 2 times higher than other types of vegetables and potatoes. 

When you buy a garden peas, choose small, dense and heavy pods. Boiled peas obtained particularly tasty when added to water a pinch of sugar and a sprig of fresh mint. However, it is important never to add salt to the water, because of her skin with peas become tough. 

Green peas can be frozen at home. Unripe, as soon as the peas just cleaned from wings and deposited in the package. However, it must be remembered that not all varieties of vegetable peas frozen products provide the same quality, so better to freeze the different varieties separately, then to choose the most suitable for this purpose. It is said that the frozen peas are no less useful than the fresh, if it is frozen immediately after collection. Try these ten recipes, they can be prepared as a fresh and with frozen peas. 

 Spicy pea dip 
Fluff in a blender or food processor for 5 minutes, 225 g cooked peas with 2 tbsp Greek yogurt or sour cream, 1 chopped green chilies 1 large clove garlic, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, svezhevydavlennym lemon juice and 1 tbsp chopped mint. 
Pea soup with cucumber and green salad 
Fry in butter 1 finely chopped onion, 1 large potato, and 3 / 4 finely chopped cucumber. Add 570 ml vegetable broth and cook for 15 minutes. Add 285 grams of green peas, 1 / 2 cabbage-head of lettuce, 3 sprigs of mint and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and lime juice. Cook for 10 minutes, then cool and grind in a food processor. Add 290 ml of milk and 2 tablespoons of cream, season to taste. Serve cold or hot. 
Risotto with peas and bacon 
Fry 170 g Pancetta or bacon and 1 small onion in butter. Add 300 grams of rice for risotto and a little wine, stir. Gradually pour in 1 liter of vegetable broth and then add 225 gr peas. When the peas will be soft, season and add 1 tablespoon of fresh cream or sour cream and 1 tablespoon of grated cheese. Writing stand 3 minutes before you serve. 
Salad with green peas, shrimp and green salad 
Stir 200 grams of lettuce, 200 grams of lettuce, Rocket, and 225 grams of green peas, blanched and pre-washed under cold water. Stir in 225 grams boiled shrimp and lemon dressing. 
Scallops with pea puree 
Fry 1 / 2 small onion in butter, add 250 grams of green peas and a little white wine, stew for 5-10 minutes. Season and mix with 2 tablespoons chervil and tarragon, 1 tablespoon of cream. Grind in a blender until a homogeneous mass. Fry in skillet in butter 12 large sea scallops. With molds lay pea puree on the plate in the form of a circle, from top to put scallops and serve with chopped and fried leek for garnish. 
Fried chicken in sesame with peas 
Fry in 2 tsp vegetable oil 4 chicken breasts, cut into pieces. Add 500 g pods peas and mix with water or sherry. Add 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and 2 teaspoons of honey. Season and serve. 
Green peas in white wine 
Melt in a pan 45 grams butter. Add 340 grams of green peas, 3 chopped onions, shallots and finely chopped green salad, put out all together. Add a little white wine and 2 tablespoons water, sprinkle with sugar and season to taste. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Spinach - good addition to this dish. 
 Pasta primavera summery 
Fry 1 finely chopped onion and clove of garlic for 2 minutes. Add 170 g of fresh peas, 1 zucchini squash, cut into pieces, a handful of scalded asparagus, cut into 3 parts. Add 1 / 2 bag of spinach and cook until soft. Add 150 ml cream, give pokipet 4 minutes, then Pour grated parmesan cheese to taste. Stir in boiled noodles (like linguini) and season. 
Roasted wild mushrooms with green peas 
Fry 450 g of fresh mushrooms and 285 grams of fresh green peas in butter for 3 minutes. Add a little wine and 3 tablespoons cream or fresh cream, season to taste and give pokipet. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon chopped chervil and serve. 
 Frittata with green peas, red pepper and leek 
Fry 2 onions, shallots and garlic for 2 minutes. Add 2 chopped red pepper, 1 finely chopped leek and 140 grams of green peas. Sprinkle with fresh thyme and fry 5 minutes. Pour in 6 eggs, whipped the rim and seasoned to taste. Cook about 2 minutes. Sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese and bake at 190 g C for 10-15 min.

10 things you probably did not know about the modest green peas.

1. Catherine de Medici (1519 - 1589) brought the Italian peas in France (along with other chefs), when she married Henry II. Thanks to her green peas - "petits pois" - became a delicacy in France. 

2. Dense London fog XIX and XX centuries due to the thickness and the greenish tint called "pea-soup". 

3. Treatise "Fragrant Garden" XVI century, suggested the use of green peas, svyarenny with onions and seasoned with cinnamon, as a strong aphrodisiac. 

4. The world record for eating peas was raised by Janet Harris of Sussex, who in 1984 ate 7175 peas, one with the sticks for 60 minutes. 

5. United Kingdom - the largest producer of peas for freezing in Europe. Here is 40000 hectares of peas are grown annually, which produce 160,000 tonnes of frozen peas. 

6. In the UK there is a particular etiquette consumption of green peas. Most English peas prick with a fork or rake with a spoon, mash them correctly but the back of a fork. 

7. It is believed that peas came even 5000 years ago. Until the XVIII century it was considered a rare delicacy. 

8. Pea was the first vegetable, closed in a tin can. 

9. Pea belongs to the vegetables, already famous in antiquity. He was one of the first vegetables that have started to grow in the Middle East and the Balkans. He ate in the form of dried beans to the XVI century, when Italian gardeners brought class, intended for use in raw form. 

10. Lowers cholesterol levels. Protects against cancer and has a positive effect on the skeletal system.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Barley soup with lemon

Vegetable soups are prepared on the water and clear vegetable broth. Vegetable broth is much tastier if it add fresh mushrooms or white mushrooms. Prepare barley soup with lemon in our tasty.

Products for pearl barley soup with lemon: 400 g basic roots, 400 g of potatoes, a bunch of greens, 2 - 3 dried mushrooms, 0.5 cups of pearl barley, 0.5 tablespoons of oil, 0.5 lemon, dill, salt, 1 -- 1.5 cups of fresh cream. 

To cook pearl barley soup with lemon Boil the broth of the main roots, potatoes, green beam, dried mushrooms. Broth strain. Boil separately pearl barley with butter, broth and strained dilute boil. At the end of cooking, add the soup, sour cream, sliced lemon, finely cut mushrooms. Soup boil, remove the lemon. 

When serving soup to the table, add soup greens.

Cabbage salad with cherries

The benefits of vegetables, fruits and berries can talk endlessly. Especially useful for salads of fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. It is desirable for adults and children there are dishes of vegetables and greens as often as possible. Prepare cabbage salad with cherries on our tasty quick recipe. 

Products for cabbage salad with cherries: 300 g white cabbage, 1 cup cherries, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise, salt. 

To prepare cabbage salad with cherry cabbage thinly nashinkuyte, lightly season with salt and peretrite until the juice. Cucumber salad wash and cut in small cubes. Carrot salad grate on a coarse grater. Remove the stones from cherries and cherry connect with vegetables, stir, salt, tuck mayonnaise and spread into the bowl. Ready salad garnish with a cherry and serve.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dishes from the rabbit

Products for rabbit with olives: 1 rabbit, 1 lemon, 2 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon rosemary, 6 peas black pepper, salt, 6 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons tomato - toothpaste, 250 ml white wine, 2 anchovies, 50 Mr. olives, 2 tablespoons capers, pepper. 

For preparation of rabbit with olives slaughtered to pieces. Grate lemon peel, juice squeeze. Garlic, rosemary, pepper - grind peas, add salt, zest and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Rub the prepared mixture of rabbit, leave for 30 minutes. In the olive oil and fry the meat, Lay. In a pan, add tomato - toothpaste, juice and wine, bring to a boil. Add the meat to the pan, simmer the rabbit under the lid for 40 minutes. Anchovies and olives chop, add the meat, add the capers, salt and pepper. The finished dish when applying to the table, sprinkle with herbs

Baked apples

Products for baked apples: 4 large apples, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 4 teaspoons of chopped pistachios, 4 teaspoons chernosmorodinnovogo jelly (can substitute other jelly), 0.5 liters of milk, 1 packet of vanilla pudding powder, 2 tablespoons sugar vanilla, 2 eggs, 2 kiwis. 

To prepare the baked apples apples Peel and remove core. Fold in the form for baking and pour the lemon juice. Pistachios mix with jelly and fill the apples with this mixture. 

Milk powder to mix with puddings, one tablespoon of sugar and vanilla, and within 4 - 6 minutes without a cover bring to a boil with a power of 600 Tues During this time, 1 times mix. Separate the yolks from the protein, egg yolks, mix with 3 tablespoons of vanilla sauce, then mix with remaining sauce and pour this mixture of apples. 

Apples 5 - 7 minutes bake without the cover with a power of 600 Tues Preheat grill. Whip whites with remaining sugar until a thick foam, put it on the apples and bake for 2 - 3 minutes with a power of 600 watts and a maximum heat grill.

Salad with apples and squid

Salads Fish and seafood - is light and tasty salads that are quick and easy preparation. Salads Fish and seafood are rich in minerals, valuable protein and easily digestible. In the cookbook "wild" housewives, you will find many wonderful recipes for salads with fish and seafood. Prepare salad with apples and calamari in our tasty quick recipe. 

Products for salad with apples and squids: 250 g squid fillet, 1 apple, 100 grams of cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon of raisins, 4 tablespoons sour cream or mayonnaise, salt and herbs. 

To prepare salad with apples and squid fillet squid wash, immerse in boiling salted water and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove the squid fillet, cool and finely chop for salad. Carrot salad clean and finely chop sticks or grate on a coarse grater. Cabbage salad delicately nashinkuyte. Apple salad clean and cut into fine strips. 

Completed components connect with washed and obsushennym raisins, tuck sour cream or mayonnaise, salt, stir, Put in a bowl, garnish with greens. Salad to the table.

English Cake

To prepare these cakes are very simple, but your children and guests cakes delivered a great pleasure. In our cookbook are a variety of good recipes and holiday baking. Prepare cake on the British tasty holiday baking recipes for baby food. 

Products for cake English: 4 tablespoons butter, 0.5 cups sugar, 3 eggs, lemon zest with 0,5, 0,5 cup raisins, 0.25 cup almonds, 0.75 cup of flour, 0.5 tablespoons of oil . 

To prepare the cake English 4 tablespoons butter pound white hot, add, without ceasing to rub (about an hour) sugar, 3 egg yolks, lemon peel, raisins, crushed almonds and beaten egg whites, flour (a little less than a glass). Pour batter for cakes in the shape for baking, and the laid oiled parchment paper. The form of the test to put the cakes in prevaritelno heated to 180 degree oven. Bake cake until golden brown. When the cake is ready, cut it with a sharp knife at 12 - 14 cakes. Ready-made cakes can be decorated with powdered sugar, fresh berries or dolkami oranges.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cabbage salad

Products for Cabbage Salad: 500 g cabbage, 125 g of soybean plants, 250 g carrot, 50 g raisins, 50 g sour cream, 2 tablespoons canned horseradish, pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of mustard seed, 1 teaspoon sugar, 4 tablespoons wine vinegar, 5 - 6 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. 

To prepare cabbage lettuce cabbage, cut into strips and Blanch in salted water for 1 - 2 minutes. Pour over cabbage in cold water and drain. Soy sprouts salad Blanch in salted water for 3 minutes. Fold soy sprouts in a colander. Carrot salad rub on a grater. 

Combine salad cabbage, carrots, soy sprouts and raisins and mix. Combine and mix the salad cream, horseradish, salt, pepper, mustard seed, sugar and vinegar. Whisking, pour in vegetable oil. Pour cooked salad dressing and sprinkle with parsley

Souffle with orange liqueur

Products souffle with orange liqueur: 175 ml milk, 2 tablespoons of butter, 40 grams flour, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons orange liqueur, Grated zest of 1 orange, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar. 

To prepare the souffle with orange liqueur boil milk. Mix the soft butter and flour, add the hot milk and boil. Remove saucepan from heat and let cool a little weight. For souffle separate proteins from egg yolks. In turn, mix yolks with milk cream. Add the liqueur and zest. 

Grease 4 small bowls for the souffle molds with oil and sprinkle with flour. For souffle beat whites with sugar. Mix 2 / 3 proteins prepared for souffle weight, gently whisk the remaining type proteins. 

Lay out on a lot of molds for the souffle. Place the molds in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake soufflés for 30 minutes until golden brown. Ready souffle sprinkle with powdered sugar. Drinks souffle Serve hot.

Salmon with Pineapple

Products for salmon with pineapple: 200 g long-grain rice 2 cloves garlic, 1 pod of hot pepper, 500 g tuber of celery, 4 bunches green onions, 400 g of pineapple pulp, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, pepper, 100 ml vegetable stock, 100 ml white wine 3 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander, 600 g salmon fillet. 

To prepare the salmon cook rice, chop the garlic. Pepper Pod for salmon chop thin rings. Cut for salmon celery, green onions and pineapple. Lightly fry vegetables and pineapple in vegetable oil. Fried vegetables and pineapple, place in a form for baking, salt and pepper. Add the vegetable broth, wine and coriander. 

Wash and dry salmon. Grilled salmon fry in oil, salt and pepper and put on vegetables in the form. Form cover with foil and bake salmon with vegetables and pineapple in a preheated 200 degrees oven for 20 minutes. 

When applying to the table, lay on the dish of salmon with vegetables and pineapple, and rice. Bring to the table fresh vegetables and greens

A delicious recipe for holiday baking.

Prepare rolls of sand test on this tasty holiday baking recipes for baby food. 

Products for Muffin Short pastry: 4 large sour apple, juice of 1 lemon, 145 g butter, 80 g sugar, 150 grams of flour, 50 g ground almonds, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 egg. 

To prepare muffins Short pastry brush the apples and cut pieces. Sauté apples for scones with lemon juice, 1 tablespoon butter and 2 tablespoons of sugar for 4 minutes. Allow apples to cool. Knead the dough for buns, flour, almonds, butter, sugar, salt and eggs. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap food in foil and place for 1 hour in refrigerator. 

Brush butter molds for pastries. Roll out 2 / 3 of dough with a layer thickness of 0.5 cm in each mold, place the dough for the buns, cut into pieces. At the dough into each mold, place the apple slices. Roll out remaining dough with a layer thickness of 0.5 cm, cut it into pieces, equal in size bucket, and cover them apples in every small bowls. Bake rolls in preheated oven to 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

A delicious recipe for a festive salad

Products for salad with prawns: 1 clove garlic, 100 grams of frozen peas, olive oil, 1 lime, 20 shrimp, 1 lettuce, 2 bunches green onions, 1 pepper pod, 50 grams of cooked ham, 500 g small tomatoes, peppers. 

To prepare salad with shrimp chopped garlic. Squeeze the lime juice. For salad mix 2 tablespoons juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and garlic. Put in cooked shrimp marinade. Peas Blanch in salted water for 4 minutes, drain and obleyte cold water. Lettuce Chop, chop onion, bell pepper cut some strips, ham - diced. Tomatoes salad cut into 8 parts. All the ingredients for salad Combine and mix. Combine remaining lime juice, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and pour this dressing salad. Shrimp fry in butter and put on salad. Salad to the 

Sturgeon with tomatoes

Fish and vegetables creates very tasty and healthy dishes. Sturgeon can cook very tasty original celebration meal, the fish is very useful, because this fish has omega - 3 and Omega - 6, have beneficial effects on the blood vessels of man. Prepare sturgeon with tomatoes at our tasty holiday recipes. 

Products for sturgeon with tomatoes: 500 g fillet of sturgeon, 4 tomatoes, 3 onions, parsley, salt. 

To prepare sturgeon sturgeon with tomatoes cut into portions and put in one row to the skillet. Sprinkle with salt. Add to sturgeon finely chopped onion and parsley. Pour sturgeon water, making sure it was covered with water by half. Sturgeon simmered over low heat in a sealed container. Fresh tomatoes in boiling water to the lower 2 - 3 minutes, then remove peel and fry them. Prepare fish out onto a plate, place the tomatoes on top and sprinkle with salt. 

Drinks sturgeon Serve with boiled potatoes and fresh vegetables

Salad with fish and apples

Products for a salad with fish and apples: 300 g boiled or stewed fish, 1 apple, 4 boiled potatoes, 3 boiled eggs, 1 pickled cucumber, 4 tablespoons canned green peas, 4 - 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise, ground black pepper, salt, greens. 

To prepare salad with fish and apples, cooked or canned fish mash with a fork. Potatoes and hard-boiled eggs for salad clean and finely chop. Pickled cucumber and peeled apple salad chop into small cubes. Prepared salad products to connect, leaving one yolk for decoration. Add the lettuce, green peas, tuck mayonnaise, salt and pepper and mix well. Ready Arrange lettuce in bowl, sprinkle with minced egg yolk, garnish with green peas, herbs and serve.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A delicious recipe for omelet in Italian

Products for the omelet on - in Italian: 1 onion, 1 red pepper, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 340 g of potatoes, 150 g courgettes 60 g of corn, 6 eggs, ¼ teaspoon salt, pepper, 115 grams grated cheese, 1 fresh cucumber, parsley. 

To prepare the omelet on - Italian onions and bell peppers and cut them clean, put in a bowl for microwave oven, add olive oil. Cover the dish with vegetables, cover and cook vegetables for the omelet in the microwave at full power for 4 minutes. To clean the potatoes and omelet zucchini, grate on a grater and add the vegetables, add the corn. Cover the dish with a lid and cook vegetables to omelets at full power for 8 minutes. After 4 minutes, stir the vegetables. 

For the omelet whisk eggs with salt, pepper and half of grated cheese. The prepared mixture to pour in the omelet vegetables, mix well. Omelet cook in the microwave, not setting the lid on medium power for 6 minutes. On top of omelet, sprinkle with remaining cheese and let it brew omelet for 2 minutes. 

When serving, garnish with the omelet to the table with fresh cucumbers and parsley, served with warm bread and green salad.

French salad: A delicious recipe for a festive salad

Products for a French Salad: 500 g small potatoes, salt, 4 eggs, 200 g of pods of beans, 4 tomatoes, 4 onions, 1 lettuce, 2 tablespoons wine vinegar, 1 pinch, provencal herbs, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 50 Mr. olives 6 anchovy fillets. 

To prepare the French salad potato broth, egg salad cook hard-boiled. Bean salad cut into pieces and boil. Eggs clean and cut into 8 parts, beans drain. Potato salad and cut clean slices. Tomatoes salad chop slices, and onion - rings. Lettuce hands tear to pieces. 

Salad Arrange lettuce leaves on salad leaves Put all the vegetables and sliced eggs. Vinegar for salad mix with salt and black pepper, Provencal herbs and butter, tuck lettuce. Garnish salad with anchovy fillets and olives. Bring salad to the table.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shrimp in beer For a romantic dinner

Products for shrimp in beer: 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, 2 peppers (red and green), 250 g fresh mushrooms, 2 cloves of garlic, 400 g canned tomatoes, 1 cup light beer, 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, 0.5 teaspoon salt, pepper, 250 g tagliatelle (wide noodles), 120 g of frozen sweet corn, 350 g of peeled shrimp, basil leaves for decoration. 

To prepare the shrimp in beer in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan, warm the olive oil and fry chopped onion and Bulgarian pepper, until they are soft. Add the cut mushrooms and garlic and fry another 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then, to vegetables, add tomatoes, tomato paste, thyme, pour beer, salt and pepper. Sauté vegetables for 10 - 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens. At this time, cook noodles, drain, let the water drain. 

In the sauce, add corn and shrimp, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook the sauce 4 - 5 minutes, until the corn and shrimp will not be ready. Put noodles in a sauce, fresh basil or parsley. All Put in a heated deep bowl and serve with fresh salad.

Cheese salad with greens

Products for cottage cheese salad with greens: 6 tablespoons cheese, 9 tablespoons yogurt, 1 teaspoon salt 2 / 3 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 large bunch green onions, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons chopped dill. 

To prepare the salad greens with cheese curds, mix with yogurt with a mixer, salt and pepper. Salad green onion and hard-boiled eggs, chopped, and add a lot of cottage cheese, mix well. Prepared salad Put in bowl and sprinkle with slide dill.

Errors Adult Nutrition

Almost all parents make those or other errors in the process of raising their kids - and very often these mistakes are repeated in the process of accustoming children to the culture of eating. 

Here are 6 basic mistakes made by parents: 

1) You can not chase the children out of the kitchen. Of course, the process of cooking - quite dangerous for a little naughty, because the plate can be a pot of boiling water in a pan - sizzle-hot oil splashed all over the kitchen ... That is why we chase the kids out of the kitchen, and completely in vain do it, according to scientists. 

Where and when, how, to do with cooking, the child will be able to try a new product for him? Scientists have conducted studies in which children attempted to clarify the relations of the same age in different products. So, it turns out that the most hated products in those children who are not allowed in the process of cooking. 

2) It is wrong for the child eat what he likes. Studies show that the child is extremely negatively to the pressure exerted on him by parents. This problem is particularly acute when the father and mother are trying to shove in their offspring as possible products. 

Of course, using both carrot and stick, you can make a child something to eat, but then, growing up, your heir or heiress would not love the fact that they were pushed by force, that's for sure. 

3) do not eat what your child likes. 
The more you deny your child a sweet or starchy foods, the more he will want it, and at every opportunity your child will look for an opportunity to eat prohibited foods, and give a hand to cut off - he gets great satisfaction not only because of the delicious food. 

If you do not want your child something to eat - just do not bring it home. 

4) Diet. It has long been known that children adopt habits of parents. This is especially true commitment of parents to a particular product. 

Your child's diet is different from your own diet, and it is natural - nature is nature. 

Try to keep to a diet so that your child did not see - or at least not try to "put" him or her to your diet "for the company." 

5) Parents who are watching their diet, often use low-calorie foods that can not be the favorite delicacy of the child: for example, artichokes or spinach. Add to children's diet any goodies, and your child will be very grateful. 

6) If you have installed a special diet for your child - then follow it strictly. I would not give up, and do not forget about the special diet for your child. If you assign a special diet, and then allow the child is at liberty to what he wants - that you sustained any younger body irreparable harm. 

In general, follow their own intuition and our advice - and your child will be both healthy and well fed.

8 most expensive dishes in the world Restaurants cooking

The fact that we eat every day, does not go to any comparison with what is served in elite restaurants. But even in such places there are dishes that can afford one of the ten or even a hundred visitors. The point is price - the most expensive dish of the world is estimated at a thousand dollars, and of course, even well-endowed man (I'm not talking about multi) can not afford to spend a fortune on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Interestingly, as someone from the readers Xage tried something like that?  

Saffron. Surprised? I was also surprised that some spice in our time can cost more than gold. Saffron is prepared from the stigmas of a flower purple saffron crocus. Each flower only three such stigma, and to produce one hundred grams of spice (dry) is approximately 50 thousand (!) Flowers. Such quantity of flowers crocus be enough to cover their football field. For saffron spices are needed not only flowers, but also the workers and laboratory equipment. Half a kilo of saffron can cost from $ 500 to $ 5000. 

Diamond caviar. This is the highest quality grade beluga caviar unusual light shade. The older the fish, the lighter is received caviar - beluga and since now quite rare, old beluga generally valued by its weight in gold. This caviar has a very subtle and delicate taste. Bank for the caviar, ALMAS, made of 24-carat gold, and is the perfect setting for your precious content. This dish can taste only in a London restaurant Caviar House & Prunier, which is located on Piccadilly Street. The cost - nearly 50 thousand U.S. dollars per kilogram. 

White truffle. This type of truffles growing in northern Italy, and their value can reach almost 3 thousand dollars for a half-kilogram. Record price was paid by Stanley Ho, the owner of the casino, which paid 330 thousand U.S. dollars for three pounds of white truffles. 

Beef marble meat. Connoisseurs say that the steak from the meat of the marble is different and tastes and smell and texture. All because the meat may be given only cows' todzima ", and not all, but only those that" sit "on a special diet. Their diet is even a beer. In the U.S. the usual price for such meat - $ 40 - $ 150 per half-kilogram. 

Coffee Kopi Luwak. This type of coffee is known for being made from coffee beans that have passed through the gastrointestinal tract of the Asian palm civet, are relatively rare animal. This marten eats berries, but the coffee beans pass through the esophagus intact, after which they are collected by specially trained workers. This type of coffee produced in Sumatra, Java, Malaysia and the Philippines. In the year collectors collect only 500 pounds of beans, which may explain the high price of coffee - $ 300 U.S. dollars for 0.5 pounds. 

"Diamond" martini. Actually, it is a regular martini, but instead of olives, the bartender puts a 1.6-carat diamond. Of course, the taste of a martini should correspond to the diamonds, and therefore the price for such a cocktail is $ 16000. Try it can only be at the hotel Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo, Japan. 

Chocolate truffles. This is a special treat is made by hand employees of the company Knipschildt Chocolatier, which is located in Connecticut, USA. The recipe includes cocoa Valrhona truffle with a large number of exclusive products. The cost - about $ 6000 per kilo. 

Nino's Bellisima. This pizza is not similar to those sold in fast food chain New York City, as well as any other of such institutions. Pizza Nino's Bellisima includes lobster, crab meat and 6 other types of caviar. If you have an extra thousand dollars, you can try

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Edsel with coffee cream

Products for meringue with coffee cream: 2 egg whites, 150 g sugar, 2 drops of bitter almond flavor, 100 grams of milk chocolate, 40 g butter, 4 tablespoons of ready-made espresso coffee, 50 grams of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of ground almonds. 

To prepare meringue with coffee cream Heat oven to 100 degrees. Whips whites with a mixer, gradually adding sugar, so it is completely dissolved, add the flavoring. Fill a pastry bag with a round mass of nozzle. Squeeze on a tray, the laid parchment paper, small pyramids. Bake meringues in the oven until cooked about 2 hours. Cool meringues. 

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. To prepare the coffee cream Combine the butter and mix with coffee and powdered sugar. Combine cream with melted chocolate and ground almonds. Spread bottom of each meringue coffee cream and connect them in pairs. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar meringue.

Plums in Pastry

Products for plums in pastry: 1 cup flour, 0.5 cups milk, 1 egg, 20 - 25 large plums, 2 tablespoons of crushed walnuts or almonds 6 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar. 

To prepare the plums in pastry in Prunes make a small incision, remove the bones, and instead attach nuts. Mix the milk with the egg, add flour and zamecite stiff dough as for pancakes. Plums dip in the dough and fry. Sauteed plums in pastry remove skimmer, put on a plate and sprinkle with vanilla sugar

Pears in Pastry

Products for pears in pastry: 500 g frozen puff pastry, 8 small pears, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 egg, 2 cups of milk, 100 grams of marzipan mass, 1 teaspoon vanilla, marzipan for the masses - 0,5 kg peeled almonds, 300 g of powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon water. 

To prepare the pears in pastry thaw puff pastry, pears Peel. Boil in a saucepan 1 liter of water with 0,5 cups of sugar and lemon juice. Place the pears into the water and cook for about 5 minutes with the lid closed. Remove the pears and let the water drain. Roll out the puff pastry and cut dough into 8 rectangles. Brush edges of rectangles of the test protein in the dough and wrap the pears. Place the pears in pastry from the pan, laid by parchment paper. Beat egg yolk with two tablespoons of milk and egg yolk obmazhte pears in pastry. 

Bake pears in pastry in preheated 200 degrees oven for 25 minutes. 

Drinks marzipan pears Serve with sauce. To prepare the marzipan sauce, boil the remaining milk, add the marzipan, vanilla and 0.5 cups of sugar. Cook sauce for 2 minutes. 

To prepare the marzipan almonds oshparte that was easy to peel, dry almonds in the oven. Grind nuts in a coffee grinder into flour, add the powdered sugar and cold boiled water. Massu mix thoroughly and warm up on low heat.

Almond cookies

To prepare these cookies are very simple, but your children and guests macaroon bring great pleasure. In our cookbook are a variety of good recipes and festive Christmas baking. Prepare almond cookies on this tasty holiday baking recipes for baby food. 

Products for almond cookies: 200 grams of flour, 1 egg, 125 g butter, 60 g sugar, 0.5 tsp lemon peel, salt, 1 egg yolk, 50 g chopped almonds 

To prepare the almond cookies Sift flour heaped on chopping board, make a deeper and break the egg there. Put the flour for biscuits Staple small pieces of cold butter. Add the flour, sugar, lemon zest and salt. Quickly knead dough for biscuits. The dough for biscuits in the food wrap film and refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll out the dough for biscuits in the layer thickness of about 5 mm between two layers of transparent cling film or a cutting board sprinkled with flour. Cut the pastry molds of any configuration. Arrange the biscuits on the pan on a parchment paper. 

Mix egg yolk with 1 tablespoon water and brush with egg yolk cookies. Sprinkle almond biscuits. Bake cookies in preheated 180 degrees oven for 12 minutes. Ready Arrange biscuits on cooking grate and let cool completely.

Baby Food: Apricot meringue

To prepare these cakes are very simple, but for your children and guests cakes delivered a great pleasure. In our cookbook are a variety of good recipes and festive Christmas baking. Prepare apricot meringue on this tasty recipe for holiday baking baby food for the festive table 

Products for apricot meringue: 2 egg whites, 150 grams of powdered sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of lemon juice, 100 g dried apricots, 1 teaspoon freshly ginger root, 80 g ground hazelnuts, 50 g sugar, apricot jam. 

To prepare the apricot meringue good beat whites with lemon juice, gradually falling asleep with powdered sugar. Very finely chop apricots for the meringue. Connect to kiss apricots with ginger, hazelnuts, sugar and protein mass. 

Heat oven to 150 degrees. Lay a baking parchment paper and lay out on paper the protein mass of small hills with the help of two teaspoons. Dampen handle large spoons of water and make it in puddings deepening. Edsel bake in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Cool meringue, warm the apricot jam for meringues, rub through a sieve and lay out a spoon into the recesses of meringue.

Cookies with soluble coffee

Decoration of the table will be pretty tasty biscuits, which you can bake in our recipes. Our cookbook contains many recipes of cakes, muffins, cookies. Bake cookies with instant coffee in our tasty recipes for the New Year table. 

Products for cookies with instant coffee: 0,5 cup butter 2 / 3 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons of instant coffee, 1 egg, ¾ cup flour, 1 vanilla sugar, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, 0.5 cups nuts. 

To prepare cookies with soluble coffee pound butter with the sugar and egg, mix with the other components. Using a teaspoon spread a slide test oiled sheet. Put a sheet with the dough in the preheated 180 degrees oven for 10 - 15 minutes to bake cookies. When the edge biscuits harden, remove from cookie sheet from oven and immediately Arrange cookies on a platter.

Pastry puff with apples

Children are very fond of cakes, biscuits, cakes, love to help their mothers and grandmothers in the kitchen. Prepare puff pastry with apples on our tasty recipes for baby food. 

Products for puff pastry with apples: for the dough - 320 g flour 250 g butter, 1 egg, ¾ cup water, ¼ lemon, salt, for the filling - 1 kg of apples, 300 g of sugar. 

To prepare the puff pastry with apples Prepare puff pastry by mixing all the ingredients for the dough. Roll the dough into a layer thickness of ½ cm, length equal to the length of the sheet, which will be baked puff pastry. Dough cut into strips the width of 7 - 8 cm, put them on a sheet of lightly moistened with water, brush with beaten egg. On top Put a fork and put in a drawing oven for 20 minutes. Baked puff pastry should be a thickness of 4 - 5 cm Prepare apple filling. Puff pastry strips, place on a board, cut along the thickness of two parts. At the bottom layer, place the apple stuffing and cover its upper layer, cut into individual cakes, sprinkle cake with powdered sugar. 

Stuffing: Peel apples, cut into 4 pieces, remove core, cut some slices. Fold the apples in a saucepan, peresypte sugar, add 2 - 3 tablespoons water and cook the apples over low heat until you have a thick jam.

Strawberries with Frozen cake

We still have our beds and in stores strawberries. Indulge your family a delicious dessert with strawberries. We offer you cook a frozen cake with strawberries on our tasty holiday recipes. 

Products for frozen cake with strawberries: 600 g strawberries, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar, 6 protein, 250 g sugar, 800 ml of cream. 

To prepare frozen cake with strawberries 500 g chopped berries, pour powdered sugar. Heat oven to 160 degrees. Beat whites with sugar, spread into the pastry bag. With 2 pan, the laid paper, released 4 circle diameter of 22 cm and gather a lot to the centers of circles. Separately pan to release a few drops of beaten egg whites. Bake meringues for 20 minutes, cool. For cake, beat 200 ml cream, add 1 / 3 of berries, put on the cake and 20 minutes, put in the freezer. Then cover with whipped cream other Korzh. Just make with the other cakes. Put the cake for 4 hours in the freezer. Two hours before serving to the table remains Whip cream and put on cake. Berries chop and put in whipped cream. Small meringue crumble and garnish with a crumb cake.

Cakes : Tubules of boiled dough

Products for tubes of boiled dough: 1 cup of flour, 150 g margarine, 5 eggs, 2 - 3 pinches of salt, 150 ml of water and 700 g apples, 200 g of butter. 

For preparation of tubules from the boiled dough into a small saucepan add water, add margarine and salt, bring to a boil, remove saucepan from heat, pour hot liquid into the flour and mix. Again put the pot on the fire or hot stand and heat, stirring, until the dough begins to move away from the walls of the pot and does not form com. Give Choux pastry to cool slightly, add one egg into the batter and mix. Then one peg remaining eggs. After each egg batter whisking until smooth. From boiled dough bake rolls, pierce each tube. Each tube of boiled dough fill with apple cream. To prepare the cream apple peeled apples bake, rub through a sieve, mix with sugar, butter and beat well with mixer.

Cheese Cake Tasty Baking Recipes

Festive dessert, our cookbook offers many wonderful recipes for baking. If you prefer cheesecake, you will not regret it, because the cheesecake and tasty and useful. 

Prepare cheesecake for our tasty holiday recipes. 

Products for cheesecake: 500 g of biscuits, 200 ml of milk, cream - 500 g cheese, 150 g butter 200 g sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 50 g of raisins, vanilla sugar for glaze - 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 tablespoon milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 50 g butter. 

To prepare the curd cheese pound cake with sugar, butter, vanilla sugar. Divide the curd mass in half, one half add the cocoa, and in another - raisins. 

Cookies for cake soak in the milk and put on paper or film food as a rectangle. The first layer of pastry brush with a light cream. Put a second coat and lubricate it with cocoa cream. So do until then, until all the cookies. The top of the cake should be a cookie. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 3 - 4 hours. The top of the cake cover with icing, which cook boil milk, cocoa, sugar, butter until consistency. Glaze hot razmazhte on the surface of the cake.

Cake and Choux pastry

Cake, cakes, cookies, muffins, cooked according to our recipes, decorate your New Year's table, create a good mood and give pleasure to your family and guests. Our cookbook contains many recipes holiday baking. Prepare the custard pies for our tasty recipe for a festive New Year's table and the Christmas table. 

Products for custard cakes: for test - 1.5 cups of flour, 120 g butter, 5 eggs, 1 cup water, 1 / 3 teaspoon of salt for the filling - 600 g - canned or frozen cherries, pitted, 0.5 cups cherry syrup, 0.5 cups of sugar, 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 cup of thick cream, 1 egg white, 1 cup powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon confectioner's powder. 

To prepare the custard pies in the boiling water, add butter and salt. Vsypte in the flour and water, boil for 2 - 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Dough cool to 60 degrees, enter the eggs one by one, beat the dough. Using pastry bag otsadite dough on a tray covered with parchment paper, greased with vegetable oil, in the form of small roses. Bake custard pirozhye in a heated 220 degrees oven for 25 - 30 minutes. Ready and chilled pastry, cut half lengthwise. 

Stuffing: Combine cherries and a half of sugar and cherry syrup, bring to a boil, cool. Grated cheese, mix with osavshimsya sugar, cherry syrup and whipped cream. 

Using pastry bag, enter the cream between the halves of the cakes. 

To decorate the whisk custard cake with white icing sugar and lemon juice, protein chains cake mass, decorate confectionery mineral granules

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sand cake with raspberry jam


250 g flour 
150 g butter, 
100 g sugar 
zest of 1 / 2 lemon 
2 egg yolks, 
1 vanilla powder, 
300 g raspberry jam 
100 grams of powdered sugar. 

Dough roll seam thickness of 3-4 mm and a groove cut round cakes with a diameter of 18 to 25 cm on request. For one cake, usually 6.8 to these round cakes. Bake them, then ostulit. Flat cakes interlay jam. Cake decorate pre-baked squares or diamonds of the test. It is sprinkled with powdered sugar, and on each square or diamond pastry bag, squeeze out the little rosettes of the jam.

Sand-nut cake

For shortcakes: 300 g butter, 200 grams of flour, 100 g sugar, 3 egg yolks, 2 teaspoons of sour cream, 1 tbsp. tablespoon cocoa 
For the walnut dough: 500 g pine nut kernels, 8 protein, 2 cups sugar 
For the custard: 1 tbsp. tablespoon cocoa, 200 g of butter, 1 egg, 1.5 cups milk, 1 tsp potato flour, 1 tsp wheat flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 packet of powdered vanilla sugar 
For the chocolate-butter cream: 100 g of chocolate, 400 g of butter, 5 egg yolks, 0.5 cups milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 packet of powdered vanilla sugar 

Mix the flour, sugar and cocoa, add butter piece and chop anything to get oily fine grits. Sour cream and yolks are well mixed and add the chopped mixture. Quickly knead dough, divide into 2 parts. Send to chill for 15-20 minutes. Then roll the dough in 2 cake and bake them one after another in the form or on the contrary. At the same pan to bake cakes walnut test. For the walnut dough should pass through a meat grinder shelled pine nut kernel, protein shake up in the steep foam, mixed with nuts, mixed with sugar. And from this test is to bake 2 sheets between the same shape and size as sand. Preparation of chocolate custard creams: Cocoa, potato and wheat flour is well mixed and diluted with 0.5 cups of cold milk. 1 cup of milk to boil and pour it diluted mixture of cocoa, flour and milk. Cook at medium heat until the dough. Cool. Oil mix with 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, and rubbing, add a teaspoon of the remaining mixture until it is all not votretsya. Add vanilla sugar. In order to obtain a homogeneous cream and smooth, it is necessary to ensure that the boiled milk and flour weight was the same temperature with rub the butter, so it should not cool in the refrigerator and at room temperature. In addition, this mass can not just long hours put oil, because of this cream may also curdle. Preparation of chocolate butter cream: to recapture the yolks in a bowl or enamel saucepan, add the sugar and well, white-hot, grind in a magnificent mass. Chocolate to warm the milk, stir well and add the yolks. Saucepan with this weight set over a saucepan of boiling water, and continuously stirring the mixture, bring it to the thickness (it should not pour from a spoon, and drop pieces). Remove from heat, cool and warm mass rub all the slices of butter and vanilla sugar. When cream is ready, copiously lubricated cake custard, put the cream walnut cake, which lay out the rest of the custard. Top of sand to put the cake, and the whole smear cake on top and sides with chocolate cream. Boca cake from the pastry bag to decorate the same cream. On the surface of a cake of bread a saw to make a wavy pattern. Sprinkle cake crushed pine nut kernel.

Meringue cake

6 egg whites 
375 g of molten sugar 
250 g whipped cream 
125 g peeled and cut in half strawberries 
2 peeled and sliced kiwi 
1 peeled and sliced banana 
2 passion fruit, pulp 

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 150 ° C. Put baking parchment paper. Note on the paper circle. 
1 beaten egg whites with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. Fluff so far. until sugar dissolves and mixture becomes thick and glossy. 
2 Put the mixture on baking sheet, give it a shape, smooth edges and surface with a knife. 
3 Bake in oven 40 minutes until crispy. Turn off oven. Not taking, if fully open the door to cool meringue. Just before serving to the table, spread butter cream and decorate with strawberries, kiwi, banana and passion fruit pulp

Banana Cake

80 g butter 
150 grams powdered sugar, 
5 eggs, 
150 gr flour 
packet of baking powder to the dough 
50 g chopped nuts. 
For the filling: 
0,2 l milk 
20 g flour 
1 egg yolk, 
120 g butter 
120 grams powdered sugar, 
20 grams of cocoa 
1 tablespoon rum, 
4 bananas, whipped cream. 

Oil rubbed with sugar, add one egg yolks, mix well. Then dobavitvzbitye in foam proteins, flour and baking powder and nuts. Form for cake greased and lined with her dough. Korzh bake in preheated oven on medium heat. Ready cake cool and cut into 2 layer. One spread butter on top of filling and put sliced bananas circles. Again samzat filling and cover with second half Korzh. Top and sides of cake with whipped cream and grease decorate circles bananas and nuts. For the filling: Mix the flour in the milk, egg yolk and cocoa powder. Massu Uvarov, stirring from time to time and refrigerate. Oil rubbed with sugar and mix with flour weight, adding rum.

Sovereign cake

1 light biscuit base
1 dark biscuit base
100 g strawberries
2 plates of white gelatin
1/2-3/4 liter double cream
50 g sugar
16 glazed cherries
2 tbsp. l. planed chocolate
1 tsp. powdered sugar
4 Art. l. roasted almond flakes

Both cut across the base. Strawberries rubbed through a sieve, soak the gelatin in cold water. Cream and sugar in a steep vzobit foam, one-third of whipped cream mixed with worn-strawberry. The swollen gelatin overcome, in a water bath to dissolve in a small amount of hot water and mixed with whipped cream into strawberry. The light layer cake, spread butter on pure whipped cream, cover with a dark layer and spread with whipped cream with strawberries. In the same way and do the other two layers of sponge cake. The top and sides of cake with whipped cream grease clean. Of the remaining whipped cream on top to release in the form of curb 16 roses. Each glazed cherries to decorate. The middle of the top sprinkle with chocolate and then planed with powdered sugar. Boca cake sprinkled with almond flakes. Before serving put the cake in the refrigerator.

Cake "Clapper"


3 eggs 
150 g sugar 
70 g flour 
3 tbsp hot water 
1 tablespoon cocoa 
80 g fried in 50 g butter oatmeal. 

Egg yolks beaten with half of sugar into a light foam, pour hot water and beat a few more minutes. Oat flakes, flour and cocoa mix and add in beaten egg yolks alternately with the beaten egg whites. The dough is spread into greased and sprinkled with flour, shape and bake in a moderate oven for 30-35 minutes. Korzh cool, cut into 2 parts. 

Cream: Mix 1 tablespoon cocoa, 3 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2-3 tablespoons cold milk. Carefully grind. Pour a thin stream of 0.5 liters of milk and cook, stirring, until consistency. Cool, add 100 g of butter, 2 tablespoons brandy or liqueur, vanilla sugar. Again mix things up, lubricate the top of the cake and cream.

Strawberry cake with cream

6 eggs 
4 egg yolks, 
1 cup powdered sugar, 
1 cup flour 
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons butter 
1/3-1/2 cup cream 
sugar for greasing cake and decorations. 

For the filling: 
1 cup whipped cream 
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons sugar 
1 / 2 cup strawberries for wiping, 
2 / 3 cup of whole strawberries, 
2 tbsp. tablespoons liqueur or brandy. 

Cook the cream from whole eggs, yolks and sugar for a couple, stirring constantly. Add flour, melted butter, knead the dough, lay in an oiled, bake until done and cool. Cut horizontally in half, lay on the bottom of the filling, cover with other half, grease the top with whipped cream and decorate with sugar dipped strawberries. 

For filling, whip cream with sugar in a thick froth, mix with the wiped through a sieve and sliced strawberries and sprinkle with brandy or rum.

Cherry walnut cake

5OO g cherries 
150 g soft butter 
150 g sugar 
4 eggs 
100 g sweet chocolate 
200 g ground hazelnuts 
1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar 

Cherry wash, dry and remove the stones. Butter and sugar to grind the foam. Eggs are separated into yolk and white. Chocolate grate. Protein shake up a steep foam. Egg yolks mixed with the oil weight, adding them one by one. Add chocolate and chopped nuts and whipped protein without mixing. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. The form of grease with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs. Fill the form of tests, to lay out a cherry. Cake bake on the lower level of the oven for 1 hour. Then leave the cake for 10 minutes off the oven. Sprinkle cooled cake with powdered sugar. Note In order to prepare the biscuit crumbs, you need to take the remaining sponge cake, give it to dry for several days and crushing, between sheets of foil

Coffee cake

For the cake: 
6 egg whites 
1 / 8 tsp salt 
1 / 4 tsp tartar 
1 1 / 2 cup powdered sugar 
1 cup peeled and burnt almonds, cmolot 

For the coffee cream: 
2 cups milk 
1 tsp vanilla extract 
2 / 3 cup sugar 
1 / 8 tsp salt 
1 / 4 cup plus 1 tablespoon starch 
6 egg yolks 
1 / 2 cup cream for whipping 
1 tablespoon instant coffee 
Roasted almonds 

For cake, heat oven to 325F/160C. To grease baking sheet (30 * 38 cm). Lay a parchment paper and grease the paper too little oil. 

Mikser beaten egg whites with salt until foaming, add cream of tartar and continue whisking, then, without stopping, gradually add all the powdered sugar. Whip the whites until the peaks of dense, but not kill. Add ground almonds, gently shovel to mix and lay out a lot of baking, smooth. Edsel bake 30-35 minutes, then turn off oven and leave meringues are dried for an hour, all the while the oven is not otkryvat.Gotovy remove cake from oven, cool completely and trim the edges and cut into 3 equal parts serrated knife. 

For cream 1 1 / 2 cups milk, bring to boil. Dissolve coffee in it. 
Mikser, beat egg yolks, vanilla extract, sugar (leave 1 tablespoon), starch and remaining milk (1 / 2 cup). Continuing to beat, a thin stream to enter the hot milk. Then all the cream is poured into a clean saucepan and over low heat constantly stirring to bring the cream until soft (about 20 minutes). Cream cool. 
Whipped cream with 1 tablespoon sugar to a dense state. Introduce them to the cooled custard coffee cream, gently stir. 
Korzh meringue fluff cream cake and sprinkle almonds.

Cake "Banana Paradise

For the dough: 
100 g butter 
100 gr 
1 vanilla sugar 
3 eggs 
100 gr chocolate glaze 
8 vanilla biscuits 
100 g chopped almonds 
1 tsp baking 
For the cream: 
2 bags of gelatin 
2 eggs 
100 gr 
1 vanilla sugar 
600 g banana 
4 tbsp lemon juice 
200 ml 30% cream 
300 gr chocolate glaze 
2 bananas 
1 tablespoon lemon juice 
1st.l chopped pistachios or other nuts 

Butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt is beaten with the eggs. The glaze melt and add to the cream-egg mixture. Rusk chop, add almonds and baking powder, pour all the egg mass. Dough shift in a greased form and bake for about 30 minutes. at 175 gr. 

Prepare cream: Egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar, beat in the lush foam. Bananas are clear, sprinkle with lemon juice, mash and add the beaten egg yolks. Beaten egg whites, cream of Poto, put them in a lot of banana, add dissolved gelatin. Cut the cake in half. Put cream on the cake, cover with a second Korzhov, set for 4 hours in refrigerator. Melt the glaze. Cover the entire surface of the glaze and allow it to harden. Cut into circles, two banana, sprinkle with lemon juice and arrange on the surface of the cake. Sprinkle with nuts

Banana cake with nuts

finished wafer biscuits 
1 package coconut 
a handful of shelled walnuts 
3.4 large bananas 

1 can of condensed milk 
100 g butter, 
2 lemon, grated with peel 

To saturate cake: 1 / 2 cup of any syrup 
To decorate: 2 mandarin and 2 kiwis 

3 sheets syrup to moisten, abundantly fluff cream, sprinkle with a little coconut, nuts and the entire surface of the first korzh put a banana circles (5-7 mm thick), put the second cake and do the same as the first, put up the third cake, fluff cream, sprinkle with coconut, nuts and decorate with slices of kiwi and mandarin.

Apricot Cake

125 g sugar 
1 package lemon peel, 
75 g flour 
75 g starch 
1 tsp baking powder, 
3 eggs 

24 g gelatin, 
1 can of canned apricot halves (850 ml), 
500 g cottage cheese, 
4 tbsp apricot liqueur 
2 bags of vanilla, 
600 ml. cream 
2 tbsp marmalade, 
80 gnarezannogo almonds 

Whip the whites, add the 40 grams of sugar. Beat egg yolks with 3 tablespoons hot water and remaining sugar and the peel from top to lay fiber, sift it starch, baking powder and flour and mix well. Heat to 180 ° C. Dukhov Vystelit paper form, fill it with dough and bake 25 minutes. 10 min. chill in shape, lean bars, cool. Soak gelatin in water. Drain the syrup into a separate bowl with apricots, to defer some fruit. Cottage cheese mixed with liqueur and vanilla. Heat 4 tablespoons syrup and gelatin to dissolve it, stir in the cheese mass, put on 15 minutes. in the refrigerator. Whipped cream and add to the curd mass. Cut the cake in the horizontal, the lower sign in the ring, spread butter puree, spread out along the cut apricots, and top 1 / 3 cottage cheese weight, cover with a second Korzhov, 60 min. cake in refrigerator. Part of the remaining cream to put in a bag, remove the cake from the side of the rink and coat the remaining cream. Sprinkle edge of cake toasted almonds, to decorate the cake slices of apricots and cream rosettes.

Stephanie Cake

egg for the dough and cream - 6 pieces 
wheat flour - 300 g 
sugar for the dough - 300 g and cream - 400 g 
bitter almond - 10 pieces 
butter for the dough - 30 g cream - 500 g and for the glaze - 50-100 g 
baking powder to the test 
cocoa powder - 60-80 g 
milk - 2-3 tbsp. spoon 
Vodka - 1 tbsp. spoon 
Coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon 
Chocolate - 100-120 g 

Whip eggs with sugar until the mass of fluffy, adding at the end mixed with baking flour, vanilla, chopped almonds, all thoroughly. 
In an oiled baking cakes 6.8. Cooled cakes interlay cream. Obrovnyayte edge of cake and pour it on top with glaze. 
To dilute the cream with milk chocolate, warm, stirring constantly, until thick or melt the grated chocolate on a coarse grater (100-150 g). Whip eggs and sugar in a magnificent mass. Butter pound, connect with the eggs, add vanilla, vodka, coffee, cold chocolate or cocoa, all mix well. 
To glaze, warm the chocolate and butter in a water bath or place for a few minutes in a slightly warmed oven, grind, immediately pour over the cake and smoothed with a knife.

Cake "Honey Kiss"

Required: The 24 servings. 
For the dough: 
500 g flour 
25 g yeast 
75 g sugar 
1 / 8 liters of warm milk, 
50 g softened butter, a pinch of salt. 

To decorate: 
Pinch of vanilla 
150 g butter, 
150 g of honey 
6 table spoons of milk, 
200 g chopped almonds. 

For the filling: 
2 egg protein 
25 g gelatin, 
75 g cream 
70 g honey 
2 egg yolks, 
250 g curd mass. 

Dough: Sift flour into a bowl. In the center make deeper and there crumble yeast, adding 1 table. spoonful of sugar and a little warm milk, start a brew. Cover with a clean towel and allow to come in a warm place for about 15 minutes. 

Add to brew balance of sugar and milk with salt and finely chopped pieces of butter. With the mixer knead the dough thoroughly until a smooth ball. Cover and place in a warm place for 1 hour. 

Decoration: No suitable dough, mix the vanilla, honey, butter. The resulting mass of heat and boil for 2 minutes. Pour chopped almonds and set to cool. 

Baking: Place the baking parchment paper. Coming up the dough a good knead, roll and put on baking sheet. Cover and leave for 30 minutes to go up and heat the oven to 200 degrees. Wet spatula to apply a lot of almond on top of dough and smoothed it. Bake in oven for 25 minutes until a golden crust. Then the cake out onto a cooking grate and allow to cool. 

Filling: Beat the whites to stiff froth. Dissolve gelatin in water. Cream mixed with honey, heat and provide rolling boil this mixture for 1-2 minutes. Remove the saucepan from heat. 

Dissolve the gelatin in the hot cream with constant stirring. Add egg yolks, and then spoon-curd mass. Cool mass. When it begins to cool, turning into jelly, put in her fluffy white. Cut cooled cake in half, lower part of the fluff filling, put over the top. Wait until cooled, store in refrigerator.