Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Strawberries with Frozen cake

We still have our beds and in stores strawberries. Indulge your family a delicious dessert with strawberries. We offer you cook a frozen cake with strawberries on our tasty holiday recipes. 

Products for frozen cake with strawberries: 600 g strawberries, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar, 6 protein, 250 g sugar, 800 ml of cream. 

To prepare frozen cake with strawberries 500 g chopped berries, pour powdered sugar. Heat oven to 160 degrees. Beat whites with sugar, spread into the pastry bag. With 2 pan, the laid paper, released 4 circle diameter of 22 cm and gather a lot to the centers of circles. Separately pan to release a few drops of beaten egg whites. Bake meringues for 20 minutes, cool. For cake, beat 200 ml cream, add 1 / 3 of berries, put on the cake and 20 minutes, put in the freezer. Then cover with whipped cream other Korzh. Just make with the other cakes. Put the cake for 4 hours in the freezer. Two hours before serving to the table remains Whip cream and put on cake. Berries chop and put in whipped cream. Small meringue crumble and garnish with a crumb cake.

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