Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eat regularly and slowly to lose weight

It is important to understand what happens when you skip a meal or follow diets to lose weight quickly. 

By skipping a meal is automatically slows the metabolism to conserve energy. 

And when you lose weight too quickly, the span of a few days (aggressive diets), the body thinks it is in danger of starvation, then goes into survival mode and uses all means to conserve fat reserves you have, and at this point any weight loss comes mostly from water and muscle, not fat. 

Eat slowly and often to lose weight
Never skip a meal, especially breakfast, to the contrary should eat sandwiches "healthy" between meals.

Grapefruit salad, lettuce and avocado

» 2 avocados 
» 2 pink grapefruit supreme in 
» 1 grapefruit slices with peel 
» 2 tablespoons olive oil 
» 200 grams of fresh cheese 
» Lettuce leaves Orejon 
» Salt and pepper to taste 

Wash and disinfect the lettuce leaves and grapefruit. Cut avocado into squares. On a platter place the lettuce leaves Orejon. Put the slices on top and grapefruit supreme. Add the cheese cubes. Bathes the salad with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Why and how to monitor the cooking of a cake

Once your cake is inside the oven is necessary to maintain a constant vigilance, the heat must be constant unless the recipe indicated, but very often open the door of your cooker, then the air can damage the preparation. 

When you open or close the oven door, do not do it in a very violent. Do not touch mold or the source until it has curdled your pasta. If the product is roasted much or suddenly cubrelo with a paper towel to gently heat to penetrate without burning to continue while the area is finished cooking.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tips for developing a rich cake

Before you start to make your cake very well read the recipe and make sure you have at hand the ingredients and utensils that are needed. Seek fresh ingredients and good quality. Do not replace anything to make your cake a success. 

Put everything on a table that you will use, following step by step directions on the prescription. Prepare the mold appropriate quantity to be prompted. Then turn on the boiler to the temperature before you start preparing the cake. 

Measure the ingredients using standard cups and spoons and let cook the cake in the time specified in the recipe.

Chocolate Cake Recipe

Today the rich prepare a cake, easy and simple, so take note. 

3 cups flour. 
3 teaspoons baking powder. 
2 bars of butter. 
2 tablespoons vanilla. 
2 cups sugar. 
5 eggs. 
1 glass of milk. 
45 grams of cocoa. 
In preparation 

In a acrema the butter with the sugar, add eggs one by one, the flour sifted with baking powder, cocoa and beat, then add milk and vanilla, beating until incorporated everything remains completely. 

In a greased mold and pour the mixture sticks to the oven for 30 or 45 minutes at a temperature of 250 ° C. 

Decorate with whipped cream or chocolate bitumen as you prefer.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Polvorones orange

This recipe produced an rich orange. To enjoy. 

1 orange. 
2 cups flour. 
150 grams of butter. 
1 tablespoon baking. 
1 / 3 cup sugar. 
1 egg yolk. 
Sugar glass. 
In preparation 

The butter was an added grated orange. Then the sugar is Polvorones orange
incorporated and stirred, then you pour the egg yolk, orange juice and sifted flour and baking soda.

Rich pineapple cake


2 cups flour 
2 coffee spoons of baking powder 
¾ cup sugar 
10 Eggs 
1 cup oil 
1 can of pineapple in syrup 
The juice and grated lemon 
For bitumen 

1 stick of butter 
1 Cream cheese 190 gm. 
250 grams of heavy cream 
Sugar glass 

Separate the yolks from the clear and near Batala nougat, put clear with half the lemon juice. Beat the egg yolks to the bar with the other half of lemon juice, add sugar and oil, flour and baking powder gradually and Rican pineapple cake

Cheese pie

Ingredients for the base of the mold 

1 stick of butter 90 gr. 
1 tube of biscuits MarĂ­as 
Ingredients for stuffing 

Cream cheese 1 Gr 180 
1 can condensed milk 
2 eggs 
¼ cup lemon juice 

Perfectly milled cookies Marys bar and add the butter at room temperature. Bonding with your hand until you get seen a soft dough covers the bottom and sides of a mold to pay, put the cooker for 5 to 10 minutes to Pay cheesemake a costrita with the cookie and butter.

Chocolate biscuits and butter


200 gr. flour 
180 gr. of butter 
½ can of condensed milk 
2 egg yolks 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
20 gr. Ground nut 
20 gr. cocoa1 of egg (for coating cookies) 
How to prepare 

Acrema (bat) the butter with condensed milk perfectly, add egg yolks one by one and mix, incorporating the flour and baking powder in an envelope until Chocolate biscuits and butter

Almond pancakes

Ingredients for the base of the pancakes 

1 cup chopped almonds or 
¾ cup flour 
1 / 3 cup butter at room temperature 
½ cup brown sugar 
Ingredients for stuffing 

375 gr. cream cheese 
1 / 3 cup butter at room temperature 
½ cup sugar 
1 cup flour 
2 eggs 
2 teaspoons vanilla 
pancakes Almond
½ teaspoon baking powder

Choosing cucumbers for the salad diet

The cucumber should never miss a good salad, as their high water content does not allow people gain weight. If you are now under a regime of diet, the cucumber is a great option for your meals. 

Do not forget to pick cucumbers, these should not be very small, because they are too soft, but can not choose the size that are almost always bitter. So you have to buy cucumbers medianitos that its color is green and not yellow. When you touch the cucumber with your hand should feel the firmness of the plant and this assures you that it is acquiring fresh cucumbers to bring to your table.

As a clean refrigerator

We must keep as clean as possible the refrigerator because it will depend much of our food is kept in good condition. We recommend that you periodically take a look at the food you have in your fridge, so you do not have food in poor condition, the only thing that would cause it harm your health and your family.

Usually put the meal that remains of the day with refractory lid prevents odors and can also help in foil bags or airtight seal that can now be easily found in supermarkets. Finally aware that an apple in your refrigerator to absorb unpleasant odors that genre.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How to choose a watermelon

When you go shopping at the supermarket and see that the department of fruit and vegetables have a delicious watermelon and there is no way you can try before you take home, it is important to see if the bottom of the watermelon is see a yellow stain as this means that the melon was cut at a good time. 

Many people believe that this is because the yellowish stain sandia desabrida this, however I can assure you that is true, your watermelon will have a delicious flavor. If you are on some watermelon must be remembered that this fruit does not last long and that has to consume it as soon as possible.

How long you can keep frozen food?

How long can store frozen food? Food should be stored in the freezer while only retain all their nutritional value and taste. If you stay longer due to not lose those qualities, but the food it breaks down because of their own enzymes. The weather is very variable depending not only on the food itself but the manner of freezing, the state saved before the freeze, the amount of bacteris present at the time of freezing, and so on. 

In general, freezing caused a gradual decline in nutritive value of all foods, so what is recommended is to eat everything fresh.

How to preserve a piece of fresh onion

If at the time of your meal on a piece of onion, you have a simple form so we can reuse it and on another occasion. For the onion does not change color, we suggest spreading some butter on the cut, then place it in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator. By doing this you will have the assurance that the piece of onion will keep cool.

How to clean chrome plated keys

Over time they lose their keys are tiny and bright because of the humidity to which they are exposed (sinks, toilets, showers, etc..), But do not worry, here we give you a simple solution to this problem. 

In a clean cloth put a little Vaseline and Entertainment for the keys perfectly. Leave to act for 30 minutes. 

Then in a small saucepan dissolve a cup of coffee and water a tablespoon of baking soda. Ponla heat and let simmer over low heat. 

With another cloth, wipe the Vaseline with water to remove bicarbonated shine. Let dry. As a result you will see the change that your keys will.

Board from fruits, vegetables or meat

The wooden boards were used by housewives for starting fruit, vegetables, meats, etc.. Today it is recommended that your kitchen is at hand, plastic tables as these are practices that are easy to wash and do not waste, and this prevents the accumulation and subsequent reproduction of bacteria. 

Another option is to build a table of marble like the experts in cooking. But you are who decides what is your best option.

Tips to cook vegetables

If today you plan your meal to prepare a delicious garnish for steamed vegetables, we recommend a low heat and cook if you want to be softer than normal, adding a teaspoon of olive oil when cooking.

Learn how to choose fruit and vegetables when you go to the market

When you go shopping at the market very carefully chosen fruits and vegetables in a way that will last as long as possible in the fridge and you miss not to lose as often happens. Here's how you should choose some of these products: 

Carrots. Discard those that are torn, wet or soft. Last 5 to 6 days. 
Strawberries. Choose those that are strong, whole and yellowed leaves. Last 3 to 4 days. 
Tomatoes. The skin should be firm and bright red. Last 4 days refrigerated. 
Pepper. Stems should be green. Keep dry. Last 4 days. 
Citrus. Should be firm and smooth skinned. Longer than 8 days. 
Green Beans. Should break when bent. Last 3 to 4 days. 
Melon. Choose the uniform and firm skinned and smelling nice. Last 3 to 4 days. 

If you take these tips into your fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer.

Avoid burning the oil to Cook

Madam this tip is useful for you and your family. It is very important to note that when you cook any food should not burn the oil that will do because it is harmful for the body to digest and it is difficult for the liver, destroying the cells of our body and that the oil The poison has been burned butyric acid. 

And if it is not advisable to burn the new oil, much less what is reused and the oil burned. Take care of your family taking into account this advice to his health.

Storing wine

The wines bottled with cork should be saved by putting the bottle lying down. 

Those who have the screw cap can be stored with the cylinder stop. 

The reason is simple, when lying down the bottle, wine cork damp, helping to keep a bloated, which close more tightly. 

That does not mean that we should not have stood the bottles stoppered with cork, however, will not be saved so long because of storage air can enter Storing wine

How to keep eggs

The best way of preserving eggs is to place them in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator because that might spoil. 

Try to keep the eggs covered by that absorb odors easily and lose their moisture. 

If stored in the special compartment of your refrigerator, designed for better preservation, place them with the narrowest downwards to keep the yolk in the center. 

How to freeze the ground beef

The meat is very difficult to manage if frozen in portions too large, it is almost complete thawing necessary to allow its use. 

Before freezing, season the meat and usually but not put salt (added when cooking), as oxidation occurs by preventing the freezing water that has meat in it. 

Divide the meat into portions of appropriate size for hamburgers to each other and separate them with sheets of waxed paper. 

Then wrap in pieces of aluminum foil and place in freezer. 

When using, take the rest you need and leave them in your freezer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fresh Salads and Healthy

To have health is important to consume a daily salad of raw vegetables or fruits or cooked, in general, suggests that they are raw to take advantage of our bodies each of their properties. Every day you can include rich and nutritious salad that will help especially for good digestion and away from you without a number of diseases. 

There are some important things to consider when you prepare a salad: 

* The quality of the ingredients of the salad should be the best. 
* Try to pick everything fresh as possible. 
* Try to make a good combination in your salad not only flavor but color, this will open your appetite not you cool your stomach but also of that view comes love. 
* Wash and disinfect vegetables well since they usually are recommended to use raw. 
* If you cook vegetables in need to leave soon in the fire, not to lose their color or flavor. 
* Do not abuse the disinfectant for vegetables, and avoid scorching and losing their properties. 

The salads are a good dish because they give us a good amount of fiber, water and very few calories which is why we should not fail to enjoy them.

Mixed salad of lettuce, carrot, cucumber and jamaica

Mixed salad of lettuce, carrot, cucumber and jamaica

* 8 leaves lettuce
* 1 Tomato
* ½ Onion
* 2 carrots
* 1 Cucumber Medium
Jicama * ½

In preparation:
1 .- Wash and disinfect the ingredients perfectly.
Part 2 .- the lettuce into pieces with your hands in a large ovenproof acomĂ³dalos.
3 .- filleting onion.
Part 4 .- tomato slices.
5 .- Peel the carrot and rĂ¡yala.
6 .- The party jicama into strips.
7 .- accommodate all the ingredients on a bed of lettuce in a way that is pleasing to your eyes, it is necessary to use your creativity to bring this salad to your table.

Properties of Lettuce:
The lettuce is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron, their consumption is recommended for people with nerve problems, anemia and insomnia.

Properties of the Tomato:
The Tomato is a source of vitamin C and E and carotenoids and potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and iron is good for the liver and obesity.

Properties of the Onion:
The onion is useful in cases of gout, rheumatism, fever, constipation, colitis, nervous system and cold.

Properties of Carrot:
Rich in vitamins A, B, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, purifies the blood repairs wear organic revitalizes nerves, intestinal problems, vision problems and helps to shed parasites.

Properties Cucumber:
Contains vitamin A, B and C, potassium, phosphorus and iron, is a vegetable low in calories and very refreshing, it's a very powerful natural diuretic. Recommended for high pressure and kidneys.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Recipe for Spinach and Pineapple Salad

* 1 bunch spinach, cleaned and disinfected 
* 1 large Tomato chopped ball 
* 1 medium cucumber 
* 3 slices of pineapple good size 

In preparation: 
1 .- Wash and disinfect the vegetables perfectly 
Part 2 .- spinach into large pieces. 
3 .- Remove the peel of the cucumber and pĂ¡rtelo in boxes along with the tomato, cucumber and pineapple. 
4 .- Mixing everything perfectly. 

Properties of Spinach: 
Spinach is an excellent source of iron, potassium, carotene and vitamin C. After doing some research it was concluded that spinach is one of the most potent plants to prevent cancer, it is also recommended to consume on problems of hypertension, anemia and constipation.

Tomato Salad and Fresh Cheese

* 2 large tomatoes ball 
* 125 gr. panela cheese 

In preparation: 
1 .- Wash the tomatoes well. 
2 .- PĂ¡rtelo slices on a platter and acomĂ³dalas. 
Cut into strips 3 .- panela cheese and decorate the platter with them. 
4 .- Add the vinaigrette you like. 

Properties of the Tomato: 
The Tomato is a source of vitamin C and E and beta carotene and potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and iron is good for the liver and obesity. 

Panela Properties: 
Panela cheese provides protein and high calcium consumption lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis, as some research has shown that consuming large amounts of calcium during childhood and adolescence helps to avoid problems with the skeletal system. It is also said that consumption of cheese after a meal, reduces tooth decay caused by sweet foods as much as 50%.

Sunday, July 5, 2009



Banana 3 pcs. 

Milk 1 liter
1 tablespoon sugar. l
Instructions: Per liter of milk better if the fat was less than 2% must be finely cut 3 banana mandatory condition that they were not perespevshimi - it spoils the taste. 

The resulting mass of banana placed in deep dishes and fill with milk, add a tablespoon of sugar. All the mixer beat for 5 minutes. Consumed immediately after cooking, as well as the banana is the property of dark, that spoils the appearance of a cocktail.

Banana-CHOCOLATE cocktail

Ingredients: For 2 servings: 
1 banana 
1 chocolate sealing (or 80-100 gr. Chocolate ice cream, if weight) 
200 ml. vanilla milk 
sugar or regular vanilla 

Instructions: Very tasty and very easy to prepare milk shake. 

Place in blender cut into 4-5 pieces of banana, chocolate sealing no waffle cup, of course, 200 ml. milk, tablespoon vanilla sugar or a simple pinch of vanilla, beat 3-5 minutes - and ready!


Ingredients: 2 ripe banana 
500 ml milk 
100 ml cream or vanilla ice cream 
1 package vanilla sugar 
ground cinnamon on the tip of a spoon 

 Instructions: All the ingredients are put in the mixer and whip up approx. 2 minutes until a homogeneous mass and dissolve sugar. Serve in glasses with a high tube - so tasty

Friday, July 3, 2009

Simple way to make the French fries

If you are going to prepare French fries, but they are always hit or break it, to implement this tip and were very well browned and ready to bring to your table. 

Wash potatoes well, remove the shell, and thick elongated Portal. Put them in a pan fire with water, when a boil Remove from water and set to drain for two to three minutes. After this hot oil in a frying pan and put potatoes for five minutes without moving much. Lists and put the potatoes on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

How to freeze the tamales

If tamales prepared at home and you were too many and want to keep for a while, you just have to move it out of vapor era and let cool. At least let it go for three to four hours to be able refrigerated. Accommodates rubber bags by the dozen, because they do not put more can thwart or deformed, or close the bag. 

Record the date of freezing, and paste it on a label to the bag. Keep in mind that good care, you can take up to three months frozen. 

Once thawed should not freeze again that thwarts the body. 

Related Articles: 
1. How long you can keep frozen food. 
2. How to freeze the ground beef 
3. Precautions to cool foods 
4. Simple way to make the French fries

Tips for developing a rich cake

Before you start to make your cake very well read the recipe and make sure you have at hand the ingredients and utensils that are needed. Seek fresh ingredients and good quality. Do not replace anything to make your cake a success. 

Put everything on a table that you will use, following systematic directions on the prescription. Prepare the mold appropriate quantity to be prompted. Then turn on the boiler to the temperature before you start preparing the cake. 

Measure the ingredients using standard cups and spoons and let cook the cake in the time specified in the recipe. 

Related Articles: 
1. Rich pineapple cake 
2. Tips for a perfect cake 
3. Cakes for Birthdays 
4. Chocolate cake and flan

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ice cream with a fruit compote

Grind egg yolks with sugar until a lush estate. Slowly pour the warm cream or milk and put on a low fire, all the time until the mass begins to thicken (do not bring to a boil). Then cool it and put in the freezer from time to time, mixing, to quickly frozen. Before submitting the finished ice cream sort of flat (1 tablespoon) on top - without fruits (pears, apricots, etc.), ice cream, and sprinkle again we toasted crushed nuts. 

7 l cream, 200 g sugar, 5 yolks, 100 g walnuts, fruit compote or a jam.