Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mushroom ctroganov

Mushroom ctroganov 

For befstroganova: 
2 tbsp. l. oil 
55 g butter 
125 g finely chopped onion 
2 cloves garlic comminuted 
1 / 2 tsp. ground black pepper 
400 g small mushrooms, whole or sliced 
120 ml broth 
140 ml natural yogurt 
3 tbsp. l. milk 
1 tbsp. l. chopped fresh or 1 tsp. dry Tarhunah 
25 g finely chopped gherkins 
1 tsp. mustard 
1 beaten egg yolk 
Upon filing: 
4 slices bread rolls 
1 clove of garlic 
Tarhunah 4 sprigs for decoration (if desired) 
In large skillet, warm the vegetable oil and butter. Put the onion, garlic and pepper. Passer, until onion is soft (4-5 min.). Add the mushrooms, a little increase fire and cook for another 5-6 minutes. pour in broth. Simmer until the liquid reaches the consistency of syrup. 
Pour milk into a saucepan, place the yogurt. Heat and type in mushrooms. Add, stirring, tarragon, cornichons and mustard. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 1 minute. 
Mix the sauce and a little beaten egg, whisk whisk. Add this mixture to the mushrooms and mix well. Reduce heat. If necessary, add salt and pepper. 
Fry slices in toasted buns and rub them with garlic. Lay the beef stroganoff on 4 plates and garnish with sprigs Tarhunah. Serve with warm rolls.

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