Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to defrost meat?

Any meat has three basic states: fresh, chilled and frozen. With the first and second state all clear, but the third requires some explanation. To get started is to talk about how to freeze meat, and then move on to his unfreezing.

The best way to freeze - is the industry. Fast freeze in special circumstances does not form ice crystals that can destroy the cell of meat. For example, frozen in this way is supplied to Russia all the meat for steaks (our ladybirds enough marbling and other necessary qualities for such a product). In most steak restaurants cook it from frozen meat, properly stored in the delivery process and correct unfrozen. Is steaks in restaurants is not tasty? So do not be afraid of meat, frozen industrial way, it preserves the flavor.

The second way - a home, which is practiced by the majority of housewives, and which I think is wrong. We bought a large piece of chilled meat, cut off for dinner, the rest being frozen in a simple refrigerator. Here the problem: slow freezing a large piece of meat is uneven - first freezes its edge, then the middle layer, and only then the center piece, and this is undesirable. While defrosting the meat, frozen in such a way that destroys cell structure and, most likely, rather than a beautiful piece of meat you get biomass, not suitable for a tasty dinner.

If homework remaining meat still needed, you must do it correctly. It is necessary to divide the meat into small pieces (one serving - one piece), arrange them on individual packages and then freeze. Of course, the taste of meat is not like the guy or cooled, but still better than a larger piece.

So how do you defrost the meat properly? The algorithm steps are very simple. Meat from the freezer to shift into a zone with zero temperature in the fridge, wait days, until the meat reaches a temperature of 0 degrees uniformly throughout the mass. It should be soft, with no internal seals, plastic.

From the zero-zone refrigerator to put the meat in warm water and bring to room temperature, under water, this process will take just 10-15 minutes. Why the water? The air heat exchanger is low, whereas the water quickly and fairly evenly bring meat to room temperature. After that, the meat should be shifted to a paper towel and blot the water from above. If the meat is intended for the preparation of the broth, you can immediately put it in cold water and boil. Do not use hot water, or the upper protein elements may curdle.

Why do we butcher meat for homework? Yes, everything is very simple - a la carte pieces of meat more quickly and uniformly throughout the depth of unfrozen meat.

To summarize, formulate briefly a few simple rules that I follow when buying, storing and cooking meat.

Better to buy chilled or fresh meat in a quantity necessary for cooking a lunch or dinner, not more.

v Buying meat, frozen only industrial way and packaged portions.

v If meat is still necessary to freeze the house, divide it into small portions.

v Begin to defrost the meat for one day prior to cooking in the zero refrigerator chambers.

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