Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Turkey apricot sauce

Products for turkey in apricot sauce: 1 kg of turkey, 200 grams of fresh apricots, pitted, 3 onions, 200 g butter 20 g flour, 40 g tomato - puree, 100 ml grape vinegar 15 g sugar, cinnamon, pepper, salt , herbs, garlic and bay leaf.  To prepare the turkey in the turkey, prepare the apricot sauce, cut portions, fry in butter, put in a roasting pan. Onion chopped, saute in butter, combine with tomato - puree, sugar, pepper, cinnamon, grape vinegar, to shift in a roasting pan with turkey, stir and simmer for 30 minutes. Then add the chopped apricots, browned and diluted broth flour, bay leaf, salt and simmer over low heat for another 10 - 12 minutes. At the end of fire season the turkey chopped garlic and herbs.


Products for strawberry cake: 250 grams of milk chocolate, 100 g of corn flakes, 100 grams of chopped almonds, 250 ml cream, 70 g of powdered sugar, 1 package cream fixative, 0.5 bags of vanilla sugar, 300 g strawberries, mint leaves for decoration. To prepare the strawberry shortcake cake for milk chocolate chunks break and melt in a hot water bath. Add corn flakes and chopped almonds. Put half of the cooked mass into lined with paper baking round, smooth and tamp. divide the remaining mass of 10 - 12 servings each, and lay out on foil or paper in the form of slides. Put in refrigerator for 1 hour. Put the cooled cake from the mold on a large flat plate. Whip cream with powdered sugar with a mixer, fixative and vanilla sugar until smooth fluffy mass. Put cooked cream on the cake, smooth and store it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Strawberries loop, clean and wash with cold running water. Drain berries, cut in half, lay on the cake, covered with cream, along with the "chutes" of flakes, nuts and chocolate. Garnish with mint leaves cake and serve.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dessert, cherry

Products for dessert of cherries: 1 kg of ripe cherries, 200 ml of strong red wine, 300 g sugar, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 large lemon, 2 tablespoons of starch, 250 g of cottage cheese cream cheese 200 ml sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.
To prepare the dessert cherry cherries wash well with cold water, dry on paper towel.  Remove the seeds from berries, to shift into a saucepan and fill with non-alcoholic red wine, add sugar and ground cinnamon.
Wash the lemon, obleyte boiling water, dry and remove the float with zest.  Juice of a lemon squeeze.  Add zest to the pot with cherries.  Cherries put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 5 - 7 minutes.
To add lemon juice 2 tablespoons cold water and dissolve the starch.  Pour the mixture into a saucepan with the cherries, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.  Okay cool.
Cottage cheese with sour cream whisk, add the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar, still beat until smooth.
The resulting cream and cherries lay in layers in large wine glasses or kremanki.
Dessert in refrigerator for 1 - 1.5 hours, then serve.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chicken fillet with spinach

Products for chicken and spinach: 700 g spinach, 4 chicken fillets, 1 pod of chili peppers, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 tablespoon of starch, 60 ml soy sauce 250 ml chicken broth, minced black pepper, salt.
To prepare the chicken with spinach loop.  Wash in cold water, a little dry and coarsely chop.
Wash the chicken fillets and cut into strips not wide, salt and pepper.  A pod of chili wash, clean and finely chop.
In a large skillet in hot vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) brown the fillet on all sides until golden brown.  Arrange fillets on a plate.
In the same skillet, add remaining oil, place the spinach, chili pepper, sprinkle with ginger and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes.  To add the spinach and fried chicken all together, warm.
Starch Dissolve 2 tablespoons of cold water.  Combine soy sauce with chicken broth and starch, pour into pan with chicken and vegetables, bring to boil.
Spread cooked dish of la carte plates and serve.  As a side dish of boiled rice may apply.