Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fish croquettes with sauce

Ingredients: 250g cooked fish fillet (you can use any fish), 250 g of mashed potatoes, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 small onion, one third of a teaspoon of turmeric, garlic powder, ground coriander, ground cumin, ground chili pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped green coriander, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of ground dried bread, salt, butter for greasing the pan.
Preparation: 4 tablespoons unsweetened yogurt, 1 tablespoon mustard powder, 1 teaspoon sugar. All the ground spices (turmeric, garlic, coriander, cumin, chili) to mix in a bowl with 2 teaspoons water.  On the hot oil until golden brown with chopped onion, add the soaked ground spices and stir fry over low heat for 1-2 minutes. 
Then add mashed boiled fish fillets with a fork and cook mixture for another 2 minutes. Add the mashed potatoes, fresh herbs, coriander, salt to taste and mix well.  Cool, formed from the prepared mass of small balls, dip them in beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs.  Then lay out crockets on greased baking sheet and bake in a preheated 180 degree oven until cooked. As for spices, you can use the other to your own taste.
To prepare the sauce, mix yogurt, mustard and sugar in a homogeneous mass.  Pour the sauce ready croquettes and serve.

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