Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grilled turkey with zucchini

Products for barbecue turkey with zucchini: 300 g fillet of turkey breast, 200 g zucchini, 2 onions, 100 grams mushrooms, 3 of the Vienna sausage, bay leaves, allspice coarsely, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 500 g chopped tomatoes and chopped onions , salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, greens. 

To prepare barbecue turkey fillet, cut into small pieces. Peel zucchini and cut them into thick slices 0,5 cm Cut for barbecue onion into 4 pieces. Clean the mushrooms for a barbecue. Cut the sausages into pieces of 4 cm planted alternately, pieces of meat, sausage, zucchini, onions and mushrooms, and bay leaf into 4 skewers. Mix allspice, oil and the mixture obmazhte strung pieces. Place the skewers on the pan, greased, or in the form of foil and put in a hot grill. Fry skewers 7 minutes, turning constantly. 

Prepare the sauce for the barbecue. Bring to a boil chopped tomatoes, onions, season with salt and pepper, then add the sweet and cayenne pepper. Ready remove the skewers from the grill and lightly salt.

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