Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to make cottage cheese Passover?

No wonder this is a traditional dish called the lightest of the Orthodox holidays. Of course, in the shops will certainly be a large selection of different cakes, sweet curd mass, and even Easter eggs. It would seem that what we are zamorochki with cooking? Perhaps in order to feel more universal event and as a family? 

It is not always faster and easier means better. In the sixties, my totally atheistic kin was just fascinated to hear from old neighbors, the last fragment merchant family, their family recipe. We then had moved to Khrushchev with central heating, a prescription required ash, and it is from birch wood. And the very complexity that you follow all instructions a little brought nearer to the mystery, was a distant, barely audible echo of bygone times. So ... 

Needed basin birch ash and canvas bag, in which we nalem best cream, tightly bind and bury it overnight in the ashes. Sour whey "draw it" posed by ash alkali, and in the morning in the bag will tenderest curd . 

Morning cheese is laid out in a saucepan. Softened butter kicked up with sugar (preferably powdered) "whitening up" and interfered with the cottage cheese mass. There also added quite a lot of triturated with vanilla sugar, raw egg yolks, washed and scalded with boiling water raisins. All this beating in a delicious thick cream. From the far closet once a year going to the heavy carved oak form - "pasochnitsa", in the form of a truncated pyramid, with the appropriate holiday inscriptions on the sides. Quark mass filled the form and settle in the cold until the next morning, when ready, along with Easter baked on the same familial recipes Easter cakes and painted eggs carried into the church holy. 

Easter is a modern... 

... Inevitably differ from the old. 

First, the problem with the ashes. If you want it - bring to the villa. 

Secondly, with raw eggs , or more precisely, with the possible salmonellosis. And today there is epicure’s raw egg, but in my opinion, it is better not to risk it. There are proposals to replace the raw egg yolks cooked, but I think it does not improve the taste of cheese, except that the caloric increase. 

Third, "pasochnitsa” that is carved oak form. Met in the sale of plastic counterpart, but walk around without it. 

I have trouble with Easter took a little time. 

• 10 minutes ago: 2-3 liters of cream minimum retention period and, accordingly, no preservatives are heated, keeping his eyes and gently stir to cut some water with a greenish-serum to a temperature of not more than 40 degrees. "Curdle" the cream is poured into a cloth bag and hung above the sink at night to serum glass. 

• 20 minutes in the morning: a pack of softened butter whipped around with a glass of sugar and a package of vanilla, zaparivayu cup washed raisins, dried, all join together - done! 

• Many of my familiar form Easter as horrible, but I'm "doing nicely." As the need to treat all family and friends, in the case is plastic cups of dairy products and one form more - on the table. First, the inside lining of the dishes a wide strip of bandage - the usual, from the pharmacy, it is not sterile, but it is quite hygienic. Bint principled, or "beauty" to get the whole complex. I put on him a lot of cottage cheese to the top, hanging edges of the bandage is covered, you can and lid on top, and put in refrigerator at least for a day. 

Remember whisked butter? It will harden and will keep the entire structure. And Easter Sunday, turn it a glass, carefully uncheck bintik, draw a HV raisins, candied fruits, anything - a masterpiece!

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